View Full Version : Searches specifics on the BSR5 GN

Sampson Angelidis
02-22-2008, 06:14 AM
I buy new BSR5 GN (product 2001)from Guitar Hangar shop,and I searches specifics on the following questions I have.
What is the the normal setup height for the bridge on my BSR5 GN
,What are the pickup heights off the strings originally?
,What adjustment is recommended for the pickup poles?
Thanks, Sampson.

10-28-2008, 07:00 PM
Sampson, I don't know why noone else here has replied to you, but I suspect the answers to your questions are all down to personal preference.

String height in particular is a very personal thing depending on whether you are a heavy or light player. Generally the string height should be set so that you can get as low an action as possible without excessive string buzz.

There's a Gary Willis article here (http://www.garywillis.com/pages/bass/bassmanual/setupmanual.html) on set ups if you want to have a go yourself.

As far as pickup height goes, why not play around with it and see if there's one height you prefer the sound of? Generally a closer gap between pickups and strings means more volume but can also mean an unpleasant clacking sound if you play hard when the strings touch the pole pieces. Also, you risk overdriving any preamp stage you are playing into with the increased output that results too. However with the adjustable gain trim pot in the Smith basses, its possible to turn the gain down so that you can compensate.

As for the pickup poles, there's no reason I can think of for adjusting them.

Hope this helps.

Ken Smith
10-28-2008, 07:12 PM
Gary Willis is NOT a spokesperson for Smith Basses and nor has he been trained by us how we set-up our Basses. Anyone wanting REAL info on a Smith set-up should contact us directly, not thru the Forum or another Smith player with set-up experience and the time and patience to explain and teach on line or thru email. Although the Willis 'site gives some basics on some of the points of set-up, it will not work for all types of Basses. Our Bass uses a 3mm wrench for the Neck, not a 5mm as he suggests. He must have a specific Bass in mind.

There is no exact 'anything' really with a Bass. It depends greatly on the Neck-set, neck stiffness, Fingerboard relief, etc, etc, etc.. We go by feel and set each Bass up to what feels good for a specific Bass. I don't think teaching this on line is as easy as it looks. There are Smith players here that set up their own Basses and maybe after going back and forth many many times they might get somewhere barring any language barriers.