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Christopher Rhodes is on a distinguished road

Christopher Rhodes Christopher Rhodes is offline

Posting Member

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. Rory Lane
    07-15-2011 04:16 PM
    Rory Lane
    Hey Chris, Somewhat new member really digging your style of playing. Love to chat with you sometime.
  2. Albert Smith
    02-16-2010 07:36 PM
    Albert Smith
    Watch the video big dog your sounding hot as always I like the double stops in the groove.

  3. Albert Smith
    02-16-2010 07:34 PM
    Albert Smith
    Greetings Chris, I'm here man in the background.
    I've been out here looking for a home for my wife, man I didn't know how much work that was going to be.
    But I got news for you, I sold my WBT 5 Elite that I had and I know have a Smith 6 string with the 18 volt package.
    It is awesome stay tuned for the pics.

  4. Christopher Rhodes
    01-19-2010 04:35 PM
    Christopher Rhodes
    Here is a small demo of my BMT Elite 6-string bass - via YouTube.
  5. Christopher Rhodes
    01-05-2010 06:02 PM
    Christopher Rhodes
    2010 - Yikes. That makes my Smith 6-string bass 17 years old now. I still remember the day I got it. It had a certain smell to it; a new KS bass smell.

    Check out some of my photos of my basses if you have time.
  6. Ronson Hall
    07-23-2009 01:35 PM
    Ronson Hall
    Yes, I do! I play my Smith as I lead our Praise & Worship Team, preach the message, and then often times go back and play during the Invitation!
    06-19-2009 04:03 PM
    Will try to post a pic. It's a five string

About Me

  • About Christopher Rhodes
    Musical Background
    I have perform with some industry name people, and I generally play jazz/funk geners of music. I started in old school Funk - in the 70s, when I learned to "Thump" a bass, vice slap it.
    Additional Information
    I really enjoy playing my music - It keeps me balanced in my life.
    Your Gear
    Ken Smith MD7
    Ken Smith BMT 1993 6-string
    Why you joined Ken's Corner
    I own some Ken Smith basses. I want to see what others are doing with Ken Smith basses.
  • Signature
    Christopher Rhodes


Total Posts
Visitor Messages
General Information
  • Last Activity: 05-12-2019 05:37 PM
  • Join Date: 03-20-2007
  • Referrals: 1


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