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Ken Smith 09-01-2009 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by Oren Hudson (Post 15212)
All we bother to do is attract the hot chicks, get to the bottom of things, then enjoy the rest of the alloted time. Sounds like fun only because it is. :)

What do Chicks have to do with what I said? Huh? HUH?..

Wait.. (reading back).. :D:D:D:D:D.. OHhhhhhhhhhhhh .. You thought I was referring to.. (whispers) 'you know what'!


Richard Prowse 09-01-2009 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Ken Smith (Post 15215)

The body of a bass guitar can be used to damn the flow of water in a gutter.
Is that a positive or a negative?

Ken Smith 09-01-2009 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by Richard Prowse (Post 15221)
The body of a bass guitar can be used to damn the flow of water in a gutter.
Is that a positive or a negative?

+ or - depends on the Brand mainly..;)

Richard Prowse 09-01-2009 03:04 PM

Ken, are you having a good birthday?

A double bass has big f holes that you can store small things in.

Oren Hudson 09-01-2009 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by Richard Prowse (Post 15221)
The body of a bass guitar can be used to damn the flow of water in a gutter.
Is that a positive or a negative?

Positive for sure. The neck of the DB makes an excellent gutter spout auger. ;)

Oren Hudson 09-01-2009 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by Ken Smith (Post 15215)
What do Chicks have to do with what I said? Huh? HUH?..

Wait.. (reading back).. :D:D:D:D:D.. OHhhhhhhhhhhhh .. You thought I was referring to.. (whispers) 'you know what'!


Must be the 3 1/2 months older than me that you are, but you did eventually grasp the entire deal. You had me worried for a fleeting moment. :)

Richard Prowse 09-01-2009 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by Oren Hudson (Post 15226)
Must be the 3 1/2 months older than me that you are, but you did eventually grasp the entire deal. You had me worried for a fleeting moment. :)

This thread is titled "Double Bass versus Bass Guitar", I think I've just caught you off topic Oren.:mad: (The red face denotes anger in this case)

A double bass has more strings than a bass guitar.

Oren Hudson 09-02-2009 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by Richard Prowse (Post 15229)
Oren.:mad: (The red face denotes anger in this case)

Well, whatever it takes to get you off your sorry behind and quit moaning about whatever it is that you moan about, and get your double bass playing self back on the hill of sunshine.:) That's the mission I have chosen to take for the sake of my big bass playin' man down there in NZ. :cool: I'm sorry that you're mad, but to you are h&k's. :D

Oren Hudson 09-02-2009 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by Richard Prowse (Post 15229)

A double bass has more strings than a bass guitar.

Yes my friend, but sometimes less is more. ;)

Richard Prowse 09-02-2009 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by Oren Hudson (Post 15231)
Yes my friend, but sometimes less is more. ;)

I'm sorry Oren, my old friend, but I made up that bit about the double bass having more strings.:mad:
And now I've gone and used an angry face when I should have chosen one to represent my more apologetic state. Probably a guy with a soft smile would have worked better. Maybe this guy - :o.

A double bass doesn't have a chin rest. Oops, sorry again, I compared it to a violin and not a bass guitar.

Richard Prowse 09-03-2009 03:01 PM

You can grow flowers through the f holes of a double bass.

Oren Hudson 09-03-2009 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by Richard Prowse (Post 15245)
You can grow flowers through the f holes of a double bass.

Yes - but can you grow pea-nuts?;)

Ken Smith 09-03-2009 10:37 PM

What are you guys talking about?

How can you expect an ounce of a serious reply with all this childish clowning around. Maybe just change the name of the threat do people don't mistake for something actually about the bass. Cause.. it's not!

Richard Prowse 09-03-2009 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by Ken Smith (Post 15251)
What are you guys talking about?

How can you expect an ounce of a serious reply with all this childish clowning around. Maybe just change the name of the threat do people don't mistake for something actually about the bass. Cause.. it's not!

I've had my last two posts deleted on this thread.
Want to go for three in a row?

Ken Smith 09-04-2009 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by Richard Prowse (Post 15254)
I've had my last two posts deleted on this thread.
Want to go for three in a row?

It was for a typo you made a big deal about. It's fixed so I deleted your reminder. Didn't make sense leaving your post if the typo was fixed, does it?

Richard Prowse 09-04-2009 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by Ken Smith (Post 15255)
It was for a typo you made a big deal about.

Big deal? Me? It was a sort of tongue in cheek reply to your reprimand.

Originally Posted by Ken Smith (Post 15255)
It's fixed so I deleted your reminder. Didn't make sense leaving your post if the typo was fixed, does it?

Ken, even my dear ol' mum didn't look after me that well! Thanks for the consideration.

Richard Prowse 09-04-2009 01:39 AM

So, what makes these two instruments different?
The double bass stands next to you, like a dancing partner. It doesn't demand logic, more that you show everyone in the room that the two of you are together, like a team.
The bass guitar needs more physical support. The bass guitar is more needy.
A bass instrument isn't something that should be defined by ****ytical comparison. It dwells in the same realms as a wife does. So, let us rise above the notion of logical comparison - things like "I can play faster on this one" or "This one has a better tone."
Why not move into the space of "I could grow flowers in this", for, in the end, isn't that what what life and art are all about?

Oren Hudson 09-04-2009 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by Ken Smith (Post 15251)
What are you guys talking about?

How can you expect an ounce of a serious reply with all this childish clowning around.

My first guess would be that we're much younger than you and have not completely grown up. Secondly, what does it matter if the children are acting up a bit? After all, it's not the formula to the Atom bomb that we're dealing with. Serious and not serious can ALL reside in harmony in the same thread, and in fact, that is often what makes threads interesting. :D

Oren Hudson 09-04-2009 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by Ken Smith (Post 15251)
What are you guys talking about?

Maybe just change the name of the threat do people don't mistake for something actually about the bass. Cause.. it's not!

I'm not sure what this means. Maybe a typo, a missing word or words or something? :confused:

Oren Hudson 09-04-2009 08:53 AM

One last post on this. This thread is in violation of the specific subtitle under the category in which it appears. The Bull Pit - "Anything NOT About Basses. General Topic Hang."

To me, it's no big deal, but if there is going to be as much scrutiny, censorship and control as has been demonstrated previously, maybe there should be a specific category for childish exchanges, but limited to adults only and labeled so that forum folks will know that there's a good chance for BS. Maybe that's where some of the threads and posts would best be done and left alone.

I've personally had no problems with many of the violations that have been ignored. In fact, most have been fun and interesting and yes, occasionally informative. There are a number of other categories where one can be super serious and that is fine for those categories.

Life is short - enjoy your allotted time. :)

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