Ken's Corner (Bass Forums Sponsored By KSB)

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Paul Warburton 03-28-2009 08:48 AM

To Kenny Boy from PW.
Hey, man. I had some extra time this morning, and thought I'd dig around and catch up on some of your knowledge about our instrument.
As usual, I am dazzled.
I spend some time over on that other site, and even though you're not around any more, your name comes up frequently and I take loving shots at your ass (as does Richard). LOL!!!!!:D:D Guadagini...LOL!!!:eek: ....Like that.
But make no mistake. I do all that for a very good reason. (To me)
It's kind of a heads up for folks who don't know you and your passion for the double bass. Hopefully, it may be kind of a hint for some folks to come over here and REALLY learn some "cool stuff", as those younger bassists say, about the instrument they've fallen in love with.
As always, my respect. PW. (LOL!!!:mad::p;):D LOL!!!)

Ken Smith 03-28-2009 10:31 AM

Thanks Paul. Much appreciated. I am still learning myself and always learning.

This week I think I saw my first actual French made Hawkes in the Panormo model. I have seen pics and heard claims but never had one in my hands. This looked similar to the English model but with French Gears. The Linings are wider inside which is typical of the French. The other Frenchies were made earlier and were Jacquet style basses with the older Riviere & Hawkes firm which dissolved in 1889. So, if you see and claims with that label after that date, it's a fraud. This Bass that I saw and played had been refinished in recent years so I wasn't able to look at the French Varnish. Still, it was a nice Bass.

So, you can see that you can never see too many Basses. There is always something interesting to see that you've never seen before.

Paul Warburton 03-28-2009 01:33 PM

Right on....
After all these years, I think I finally got you figured out.
I don't think you are capable of talking about anything BUT basses. I thought I had some Jones' in this life, but you are something else.
I can see you and the little woman at an intimate dinner together. You order the best wine in the house and propose a lovely toast: " My's to that French made Hawkes in the Panormo model that I'd never had in my hands until today.....the linings are wider. But, check this had French gears!!!!LOL!!!:cool::cool:."
If I had been her, I would have thrown my glass of wine in your face, called a god damn cab, and given you the finger on my way out the door.
But that's just me.

Ken Smith 03-28-2009 02:07 PM

Paul, welcome to Smith BASS Forums...;)

Paul Warburton 03-28-2009 02:21 PM

LOL! Yerownself.
Ken, welcome to YOUR forum heading: The Bull Pit.

"Anything NOTabout basses."

Go ahead...I dare you. Form a complete sentence without using the word BASS in one form or another. fair using anything pertaining to that word.
There are other things, ya air, food, water, women....etc.
By the way, you ain't got any lady bass players over here do ya? Age is no issue. Just askin'.

Ken Smith 03-28-2009 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Warburton (Post 11767)
Ken, welcome to YOUR forum heading: The Bull Pit.

"Anything NOTabout basses."

Go ahead...I dare you. Form a complete sentence without using the word BASS in one form or another. fair using anything pertaining to that word.
There are other things, ya air, food, water, women....etc.
By the way, you ain't got any lady bass players over here do ya? Age is no issue. Just askin'.

Ok ok.. I went fishing once and caught a striped bass.. lol :D

True story.. Usually I catch Bluefish..

Oh and yes, there are a few ladies here on the forum so be sure NOT to scare them away..

In the last few months I have had almost as many female professional Orchestral Bassists trying out instruments and Bows as male bassists and these ladies can all play much better than I had ever hoped to..

So, females playing the DB are here to stay..

Richard Prowse 03-28-2009 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Warburton (Post 11760)
I spend some time over on that other site, and even though you're not around any more, your name comes up frequently and I take loving shots at your ass (as does Richard). LOL!!!!!:D:D Guadagini...LOL!!!:eek: ....Like that.
But make no mistake. I do all that for a very good reason. (To me)
It's kind of a heads up for folks who don't know you and your passion for the double bass. Hopefully, it may be kind of a hint for some folks to come over here and REALLY learn some "cool stuff", as those younger bassists say, about the instrument they've fallen in love with.
As always, my respect. PW. (LOL!!!:mad::p;):D LOL!!!)

Ditto, Kenny Boy.
I love the name!
Though I've only visited the other side one or two times...
I know how much you'd miss me if I wasn't around here!
(imagine an abbreviation and two smiling green guys)

Though, seriously, I spend quite a bit of time checking out the serious stuff on The Corner... when I had a luthier set up my bass, I read about set ups here first. I'm pleased I did because some of our local luthiers have some funny ideas about setting up a bass - a couple of luthiers up north seem to like setting them up on the same scale as a violin!

Paul Warburton 03-28-2009 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Ken Smith (Post 11769)
female professional Orchestral Bassists trying out instruments

I wouln't touch that line with a ten foot pole. :eek::D LOL!!!! Gasparo Da Salo....LOL!!!!! Low table arching profile!!!LOL!!!
It does kinda turn me on, though.

Ken Smith 03-28-2009 05:08 PM

turn you what?

Originally Posted by Paul Warburton (Post 11772)
I wouln't touch that line with a ten foot pole. :eek::D LOL!!!! Gasparo Da Salo....LOL!!!!! Low table arching profile!!!LOL!!!
It does kinda turn me on, though.

Paul, you got me worried about you now.:eek:

You are much sicker than I thought..:p

Take to tri-tones and call me in the morning..;)

Paul Warburton 03-29-2009 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by Ken Smith (Post 11773)
You are much sicker than I thought..:p

Flattery will get you nowhere.

Paul Warburton 03-29-2009 09:19 AM

A bit about MYOWNSELF.

Originally Posted by Ken Smith (Post 11769)
Oh and yes, there are a few ladies here on the forum so be sure NOT to scare them away..

OK. Great.
Hello, beautiful lady bassists. Since Mr. Smith has given me this opportunity, (as you can see, I call him Kenny Boy. Some people here have stolen MY name for him,....(I Made it up, doncha' know)...., only in an attempt to make you think that they may be as close to him as I am. HA!! How silly of them.) ;)
Let me tell you a bit about MYOWNSELF. I am a bit older, but in my heart AND body, I feel (and look) much, much younger. MY name, as you can see, is Paul Warburton.....Yes. THE Paul Warburton!!!! PLEASE....try not to let that intimidate you. I am famous all over the entire world. Yes! If this forum had a SAMPLER, where I could post some of my brilliant, oft times BREATHTAKING, musical clips (think orgasm.) I would do so in a New York minute (YES! I HAVE played there....many, many times. Paris, London, you name it, I did it! And am still doing it! (playing the bass that is....)(pretty damn clever, huh?;););).) That's just the tip of the HUGE iceberg that is MY life.
OH YES....I, MYOWNSELF, will be back to take you on the journey that you have longed for, SO many years of your lives.
Here's a bit of a taste of what you may expect from ME in the near future..unless Kenny Boy uses REFRACTION POINTS in this little forum, like some other bass forums I know, to try and muddy OUR fabulous trip TOGETHER in search of musical truth, and the answer to life itself....or, as I would say "IT'SOWNSELF"! ;););).
With MY deep love, respect, and care.
PAUL. ;););)
PS....My deep apologies ladies. I used that swear word..."damn" my post. Rest assured, you won't get any (well, not much) of that ugly **** from YERSTRULY. Oh, maybe a ************ here, and a ********** there, but only for a bit of color and sensualness.
Sensually yers, PW.

Joel Larsson 03-31-2009 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Warburton (Post 11780)
Let me tell you a bit about MYOWNSELF. I am a bit older, but in my heart AND body, I feel (and look) much, much younger.

In my heart and body I feel (and look) much, much older than I am. I have been granted a honorary age of 57 by the also very famous herr Prowse. What is your honorary age, min gode herr Warburton?

Paul Warburton 03-31-2009 09:42 AM

Never mind, Joel. I just took a look at your picture....I'll pass.:eek: HOLY ****!

Lets go back to better, and more visual pursuits here. The one I'm still fascinated with is Kenny Boy's allusion to:
"Female professional orchestral bassists trying out instruments". I was sure I could find something a bit similar on the Internet, but no such luck...all I could dial up, was one that said...."Female professionals trying out instruments".

Joel Larsson 03-31-2009 10:30 AM

80-talsbergsbestigarmultitaskgrejor! ;)

Means 1980's mountain climbing multitask stuff. It's a backpack I got from my dad, which can be transformed into just about anything.

Paul Warburton 03-31-2009 10:49 AM

****, man...I KNEW all that. I've traveled around the world...I speak many, many different languages IN the local dialects.
When I am with a beautiful woman, (which ain't too often here lately) she finds it very charming when I HER language AND HER local dialect...sweet and sensuous ( I might be over using that word...Si? No?..SEE? There's two of 'em right there) nothings in her beautiful ear/ears.?:confused:
Even with ALL this knowledge and color, I find that I am still most at home with my simple and quaint Be-bop talk, talkin' my ****.:cool:
VIVA TROMSO!!!!!! (see what I mean?).

PS! When language fails me, all I need do is to pull out my................................................ ...BASS...that's bass.

Joel Larsson 03-31-2009 06:02 PM

Not even a girl from my native county, Värmland in Sweden, would consider it sensual if somebody whispered "Jag älskar dig" to her in the truest, grossest local dialect. I wish I could record it for you. You'd be surprised. :rolleyes:

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