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Calvin Marks 02-28-2008 05:27 PM

Help with Bass Bag or Case
Hey there, so I'm getting a Double Bass made for me which should be ready in August. The bass is really my dream instrument and it is my lifes savings so I'm willing to spend money on a good bag/case to make sure it is okay for travel and for just being in the practice studio in toronto which is often quite cold. I have several humidifiers going and my bass has never cracked, can anyone recommend to me a good sturdy bass bag that will keep my bass safe? Also...would it be completely ridiculous to put the bass in a flight case/hard shell even if I'm not traveling with it? Thanks

Eric Hochberg 02-29-2008 03:11 PM

I've had a Moorordian standard for a couple of years now and I've been happy with it. Not the thickest padding but adequate and it folds up under a piano and other tight spots. The deluxe model has thicker padding, I think. Everything still intact on it. It's also the nicest bag I've owned in 30 years, but my basses have always stayed in pretty good shape, even with cheaper bags. You've just got to be careful when transporting.

The only things I would consider a hard case for are shipping and if your storage area gets a lot of traffic and you're worried the bass might get bumped, knocked over or sat on! :)

Mike Milner 03-08-2008 06:27 PM

Bass bag
Hi Cal
I bought a great bag from this store in Toronto, check them out.



Ken Smith 03-08-2008 06:54 PM

Mooradian ..
Although I have never personally dealt with the Mooradian other than a casual phone call, I received a beautiful custom case/bag made by them for the Oreste Candi Bass I bought. It is a 72 year old (1936) one-off Italian Bass with very special dimensions. The case fits like a glove. Give them a call and then have the Luthier send them the dimensions rather than yourself to insure a good fit.

Eric Swanson 03-10-2008 08:02 AM

+1 on the Moordadian. I have had mine, a deluxe, heavy duty-version, for about ten years; no trouble, all positive experiences. Using geographical proximity to my advantage, I went to the factory with my bass and had it custom-sized.

Greg Clinkingbeard 03-10-2008 10:41 AM

The Mooradian is a very nice bag. However, for my new bass I looked at Bobelock. They have several additional areas of protection that the Mooradian Standard lacks. There are stiff sewn-in pieces to protect the bridge and fingerboard. The heavy zipper has a flap to protect the bass from the zipper. A zipper that goes from the lower bout all the way around the bass to the scroll is very nice. Also, there is added strappping material sewn along the outside lower bout area. This will protect the bag from tears and snags.

I ended up buying the KC Strings version of the Bobelock for three reasons.
1) the 7/8 Bobelock bag was a tight fit, not much bigger than my 3/4 Mooradian. A bag should be snug, but I don't want to struggle with it at 1:00am.
2) The handle placement is better for me
3) It is less expensive.

Eric Hochberg 03-10-2008 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by Greg Clinkingbeard (Post 8340)
The Mooradian is a very nice bag. However, for my new bass I looked at Bobelock. The heavy zipper has a flap to protect the bass from the zipper.

Thanks for pointing that out. Now I know where the 2" scratch on my recently touched up upper bout came from (as the Mooradian has no protective flap). :(

Eric Hochberg 03-11-2008 01:52 PM

Mooradian Zipper Protection
Ok, I emailed Mooradian, and they replied that as of a year ago, they've added a zipper guard to the standard double bass bags. They offered to retrofit mine.

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