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NelloSanti 04-22-2009 02:46 AM

Best strings for a 13 year old
I need your advice gentlemen

After having ordered a set of Flexocor '92 for my daughter, I spotted Calvin's posting about getting a free set from pirastro, I decided to try it myself (can't hurt can it?). Well they emailed me back to say that they would send me a free set. I prceded to cancel my order and eagarly awaited for the free set. They finally arrived yesterday and I now have two sets the first is Felxocor G, D, A with a Permanent E (this spec adviced by Pirastro themselves) and the other is afull set of Evah Pirazzi. My dilemma now is what should I put on first? I have read great things about the Evahs but also know that the Flexocor seem to be the orchestral "standard" (here in the uk anyway).
What do all you experts suggest would be best to try first for a 13 year old girl, she plays a 1950s fully carved 3/4 Checkz made bass, and got a place at the Guildhall School of Music in London starting from September.
Please forgive me if this seems a stupid question but I am quite new to Double Bass and would welcome all comments.

Thank you

Joel Larsson 04-22-2009 01:48 PM

You can't go wrong here. Two very decent sets, those two. Just put one set on, and save the other for next year. Pickiniess concerning strings comes with increased age... ;)
Of course, if she does start whining like crazy, you could always change. :)
By the way, I guess this is uncalled for, but don't change strings unsupervised by someone who knows the craft. I did that when I was 13. I got quite confused as things started coming apart after I had taken off all the strings - how was I to go on from there?? I was lucky I had laid the bass down, so at least the sound post was still standing... :o

NelloSanti 04-23-2009 02:44 AM

Thanks for the reply Joel.

I certainly wouldn't dare try something like that on my on. I am taking them tonight (my daughter and the bass) to our luthier so he can show us how it should be done. I guess we'll probably go for the Flexocor/Permanent combination first. She has an exam in 10 days time and I want to give her time to get used to them as well as giving the strings strings time to settle.

I'll let you know how they sound.


NelloSanti 05-05-2009 09:14 AM

Strings now on
The new strings have now been on for a couple of weeks. !!Great Set!! (thank you Pirastro). The sound has improved enormously, much deeper and growling especially in the bottom two strings. The volume of the bass has also increased immensely.
I must admit I wasn't too keen on the Permanent E initially, I thought it sounded quite 'shallow' when comparing to the other three (Flexocor '92); but after a week it seems to have really come out and I can now say that it is probably my favourite string. Maybe this string just needs longer to settle?
My daughter, and her teacher, loves the new sound, she's only mentioned that this set seems to be harder on the left hand (I guess this is to do with greater tention) but are a lot easier on the bow. I guess it took her all of two practices to get fully used to them, not bad.


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