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Ken Smith 07-04-2010 10:32 AM

TB Lame Brains..
I just read this, post #4;

A KSD Burner with the BSR body and head. It's NOT my design? Really? I remember Adam Levy (Brooklyn Gear) coming over and I gave him body and head samples of the 4, 5 and 6 string models? The circuit is modeled after my 4 knob BT. D'Andrea now makes/imports and sells these (BG is no longer in business.)

Maybe I better check my payroll records for some Ghost that is doing my design work when I'm home sleeping!:eek:

And, this guy named Bongomania (his mother named him that?.. poor kid).. works as a rep for EXAR pedals in several countries as listed in his profile;
EXAR pedals rep for USA, Canada, Mexico

Maybe I should contact them and mention how he is spreading false rumors on-line about me. I wonder if he does this with other companies?

Can someone go over to TB and let them know this guy is on the loose? Also, what's his name? I might need than when I contact the company he claims to represent while bashing me in public.

Ken Smith 07-04-2010 10:50 AM

I did a search on TB with my name and his.. WOW.. What is his Problem? :(

It looks like he has some kind of vendetta against me.:eek: Check it out. Unbelievable.:p Someone please go straighten him out:mad: as it looks like he's just making some of this stuff up.:confused:

Joe Spina 07-05-2010 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by Ken Smith (Post 19566)
I did a search on TB with my name and his.. WOW.. What is his Problem? :(

It looks like he has some kind of vendetta against me.:eek: Check it out. Unbelievable.:p Someone please go straighten him out:mad: as it looks like he's just making some of this stuff up.:confused:

Why are you getting so worked up over a few posts? Is it hurting sales? On the Burner series I'm sure you and Adam had a few meetings however the KSD 705's - 605's have your name on them also. Your design to? I bought a 705, was totally disapointed and returned it. End of story.

Whats the difference between your name on those basses as opposed to Mike Tobias and Roger Sadowskys name on their overseas made production basses? Mikes production basses are a far cry from his USA basses however it's name recogition that has them selling, and the same for Roger.
IMO if someone wants a Smith, save up and buy a real one, they wont regret it.
When some self proclaimed expert on TB, and there are lots of them, want to make claims on your line of basses not produced in your shop it's not the final word. If they sound and feel good as well as being afforable people will buy them regardless of the reviews.:cool:

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