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Richard Prowse 05-24-2007 01:07 AM

Talk about your Bass Bag/Cover...
My bass bag is old and faded.
It has the words 'DARYL PROWSE' written on it.
I tried to black out the DARYL part because my name is RICHARD, but you can still see it.
Every time I do a gig lots of people probably think that I'm Daryl Prowse.
Do I need to get a new bag if I want people to ring and offer me gigs?

Greg Clinkingbeard 05-24-2007 09:04 AM

Talk about your Bass Bag/Cover...
Maybe people would think it belonged to your other brother DARYL ;).

From what I've seen, get the Bobelock. It looks to have a step on my Mooradian.

stan haskins 05-24-2007 09:16 AM

About my bass bag
I love my bass bag. It's a Mooradian that Jeff threw into the deal when I bought my bass from him.

When we brought our youngest daughter home from the hospital last year, my cat was injured fighting for winter territory outside. He was hiding for days, and didn't move very much. I figured he was just jealous of the new baby ("What! Another One! Will you Please Stop with the babies!" or some feline-equivalent line of thought . . .) because I didn't notice his injury.

During that time, he made a nest in my bass bag and peed all over it.

I do not get the chance to gig often - I'm a full time teacher with a bunch of babies at home. So, it was at least a week before I put the bag on the bass to go to a rehearsal and went "What the &*^% is that smell?

IN the meantime, I had noticed my cat's injury, and he was treated for an infection with a high fever.

The cat is fine now.

The bag still stinks a little.

Marcus Johnson 05-24-2007 12:29 PM

Mooradian, maybe ten years old, the only zipper still working is the main one. Anointed several times by cats in the past, they seem to have moved on to greener pastures now, thankfully.

Richard, your bag is fine. :rolleyes: You know how it is; if you show up with nice new flawless equipment, nobody thinks you've been around long enough to know how to play!

Richard Prowse 05-24-2007 07:24 PM

Wash that bag Stan! People are probably talking about you behind your back at rehearsal!
Has anyone had experience at adapting old bass bags into clothing?
I have an old bass bag that I sometimes wear to work on cold days. The bottom part's a bit loose and the top part's a bit tight. Any thoughts / suggestions? The bow pocket holds about 5 handkerchiefs, which is handy on those winter days when you have a runny nose.

stan haskins 05-24-2007 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Richard Prowse (Post 4390)
Wash that bag Stan!

Which leads us to our next point: Can you wash a bass bag without damaging it? Anyone here tried?

Richard Prowse 05-24-2007 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by stan haskins (Post 4395)
Which leads us to our next point: Can you wash a bass bag without damaging it? Anyone here tried?

Could you carry it through a car wash?

Steve_M 05-25-2007 01:39 AM

Stan you need to give that bag some special attention. Cat pee smells the way it does because there are some pretty persistent alkaloids in it which not even bleach will shift.

Failing that, I reckon you should take it to a dry cleaners.

Marcus Johnson 05-25-2007 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by stan haskins (Post 4395)
Which leads us to our next point: Can you wash a bass bag without damaging it? Anyone here tried?

I have, it was fine. But I guess it depends on the bag. Reunion Blues... eh, maybe not so good. ;)

Richard Prowse 05-25-2007 03:40 PM

Stan, shouldn't the cat really be responsible for cleaning it?
Nah, that's silly... sorry, I don't know what came over me.
Wait for a nice summer's day and hang your Mooradianon on your clothes line (that thing you often see your wife standing
near (Lol!:D :D ). Use the garden hose on it and then let it drip dry. Obviously you need to take the bass out before doing this. I think this will work. You could probably have it dried in an industrial dryer... if it shrinks, just give it to a cellist as a birthday present.
Also, tell the cat to pee somewhere else next time.
Also, tell the people in the orchestra what happened to your bag so they won't think you're a guy with a bit of an odour problem.

Richard Prowse 05-25-2007 11:12 PM

The Ultimate Bass Bag Story.
There was a guy in Wainuiomata who was murdered and his body was dismembered. He was a bass player and had a very distinctive bag with red pieces of leather sewn onto it. The pieces of leather were cut to look a little like a devil's face, well , so some people said... I had never seen it. Only some of his body was ever found and the bass bag seemed to disappear. This happened about eight years ago.
Some say that the pieces of leather originally were taken from a dead soldier during the Maori wars, some 150 years ago.
One day, about a year ago, I was walking past a second hand shop in Wainuiomata and, would you believe it, the bag was in the window.

Richard Prowse 05-25-2007 11:22 PM

I was curious, so I went in to ask how much they were asking for the bag and where it had been found. The old guy in the shop seemed like he was hiding something and didn't seem that keen to sell it.

"I'm walking towards the door when he calls me back and says that I can have it for $40.
I go over and inspect the bag. It smells a bit musty, but seems in very good condition. I ask the old shop keeper why there is red leather sewn onto it and he gets a bit agitated. So I give him the money and take the bag home."

When I got home, I lay the bag next to my bass and it seemed like it would be a perfect fit. Bit I kept getting an uneasy feeling about the red leather 'face' that almost seemed to change at times.
Now, I don't like wasting forty bucks, but I decide d to get rid of the bag because it was making me feel a little uneasy. It was probably the leather face.

"I notice there's something in the bow pocket, but don't really want to use my hand to get it out, so I undo the pocket and shake the bag. The best part of a human finger falls out! And it's got a ring on it! I nearly soil myself!"

Richard Prowse 05-25-2007 11:32 PM

The ring was gold and seemed to have a face on it. If the finger belonged to the bag's original owner, why was it still intact after all these years? It had, logically, to belong to someone else. I put on some rubber gloves and carefully removed the ring from the finger. There was something written inside the ring... it looked like Spanish.
It seemed to read,
"El tercer dedo no es uso a un bajista."
It was written in very smal writing and was quite hard to read, so I may have gotten some of the letters wrong.
I was temped to try the ring on but, having seen 'Lord of the Rings', I knew better.
I put it in a drawer and squeezed the bag (with the finger back in the pocket) into my plastic rubbish bin. It was rubbish collection day the next day, so I wheeled the bin out to the side of the road.
It felt better to have the bin out of the house.

Richard Prowse 05-25-2007 11:35 PM

I must admit that it was a bit of a relief to hear the rubbish truck early the next morning.
After he'd gone I went out and checked the bin.
Then I remembered the ring.
Damn! Why had I kept it?
I rushed inside and opened the drawer, but it was gone!

Steve_M 05-29-2007 01:38 PM

Someone needs to reclaim this thread.

I have a Ritter double gig back for both my fretted and fretless Smith BSR5GN basses. It's crap. The thing started falling apart from almost the time it was delivered and I went to great pains to sew some black denim reinforcement into the seams that held but its started falling apart in different places now. I wonder where my $120 went!

Part of me is tempted to get a double leather gig bag but they're fairly expensive.

Richard Prowse 05-29-2007 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by Steve_M (Post 4507)
Someone needs to reclaim this thread.

I have a Ritter double gig back for both my fretted and fretless Smith BSR5GN basses. It's crap. The thing started falling apart from almost the time it was delivered and I went to great pains to sew some black denim reinforcement into the seams that held but its started falling apart in different places now. I wonder where my $120 went!

Part of me is tempted to get a double leather gig bag but they're fairly expensive.

Steve, sorry to pull you up on a technicality but...
What you are talking about is actually a 'basses' bag and not a bass bag.
Unfortuuately we don't actually have a thread titled 'Talk about your basses bag' so I guess it's alright to post about this freak of the bass bag world here. But let's hope that this little leniency doesn't compell 2nd fiddle Rod to start going on about violin cases.

Robert Prowse 05-30-2007 03:42 AM

Talking about violin cases ...
1 Attachment(s)
Puppy's are also a serious threat :eek: . Note damage in rim and padding
Attachment 217
This case originally belonged to Richard Prowse and was home for his bass when just a baby:p

Richard Prowse 05-30-2007 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Prowse (Post 4524)
Puppy's are also a serious threat :eek: . Note damage in rim and padding
Attachment 217
This case originally belonged to Richard Prowse and was home for his bass when just a baby:p

Cute, but "puppy's" shouldn't have a possessive apostrophe.

Richard Prowse 05-31-2007 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Prowse (Post 4557)
thanks.... did you really think it was cute ; 'cause I wouldn't want you saying it just to be nice know what I mean ?

...and no space between 'mean' and the question mark.

Richard Prowse 06-02-2007 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Prowse (Post 4605)
That's not a sentence. What novel ever started '...'?

'... there lived a hobbit.'

There lived a hobbit, probably up your bottom.

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