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Dave Martin 02-17-2009 07:26 PM

Hello from Nashville
In accordance with what seems to be the protocol here, I'm Dave Martin. I've been playing bass for perilously close to 40 years, and live in Nashville, Tennessee, where I do sessions, play live and run Java Jive, a studio just outside of the city.

Dave Martin
Nashville, TN

Oren Hudson 02-17-2009 10:38 PM

Hello Dave and welcome to this forum. Nashville is a great place. I've not been lately, but over the last 15 or so years, have visited probably 15-20 times. Sounds like you're enjoying it. I'm in Gastonia, North Carolina. Don't tell Richard Prowse (one of our fellow forum members) that I asked you this, but you've surely had grits, right? If grits peak your interest at all, go over to the Bull Pit thread. Go back several posts and you'll find all kinds of grits speak with other stuff mixed in as well. We've had fun with it for several weeks. Side note - my great grandfather's name was Dave Martin! There is still a Martin family reunion each year in late summer near the "home place" about 40 minutes north of Gastonia. We could be related! Many of my relatives on that side, my dad's side, of the family were bass players, so it just came along the family tree to me. :)

Dave Martin 02-17-2009 11:21 PM

I hope it doesn't lower your opinion of me, Oren, but I'm not a grits fan. Perhaps that's because as a child, the grits I was served seemed more like a building material than a food item. Or maybe it's simply that if I'm going to have a grain at breakfast, I would rather it be wheat - ideally, made into piping hot home-made pancakes. :)

Richard Prowse 02-19-2009 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by Dave Martin (Post 11031)
I hope it doesn't lower your opinion of me, Oren, but I'm not a grits fan.

Looks like the 'we like grits' episode' on the Down here (NZ) thread might be starting to puff; pardon the pun.

I almost feel like using two green guys and a 'lots of laughs' abbreviation!

Oren Hudson 02-19-2009 08:16 AM

Nah Dave, doesn't lower my opinion - but doesn't raise it any either:p. Just picking on you my Tennessee pal. I know that I mentioned about my Great Grandfather being Dave Martin etc. Now, on my mother's side, those roots go back to a place outside Knoxville called "Strange Hollow." Not strange as in different, but as in the proper name Strange. That's her maiden name. You've mentioned pancakes - what better combo than pancakes and grits! I'll bet that you might change your mind if you had some that my wife made. Well, maybe not. lol:D:D as my friend Richard stated. You think that maybe he's referencing Puff Daddy?:confused:

Dave Martin 02-20-2009 01:33 AM

Well, Oren - I'm probably not quite old enough to be your great grandfather (even by Tennessee standards :) ) but everybody - even North Carolinians - knows that the best thing for pancakes is a few strips of good bacon. There's something about bacon with a little maple syrup that makes me smile...

Joel Larsson 02-20-2009 05:18 AM

A Scandinavian favourite for pancakes is cottage cheese and your favourite jam - mashed apples!!
Ah, homemade apple jam... haven't had for ages, it seems. This bachelor life is not be the ideal way of living once you get over the freedom thing. '

Welcome here, Dave. I haven't been around for long but the musings of Richard and Oren are already a rather dear part of my day.:)

NP: Cat Stevens - Where do the Children Play

Oren Hudson 02-20-2009 09:03 AM

Dave, I'll A+ the bacon and maple syrup and Joel, A+ the jam (grape jelly for me) but not a fan of cottage cheese. I believe that the better choice would be substitute grits for the cottage cheese IMO. :D

Also glad that someone other than Richard, me, and sometimes Anselm and David look at our banter on the Pit Bull. Lots of BS, but we have fun with it.:)

Joel Larsson 02-20-2009 06:21 PM

And lots of grits...

Another favourite pancake option is cottage cheese, honey, and walnuts. But that seems a bit Mediterranean.

I actually checked out grits on Wikipedia. It's something polenta-like? I think I'd like that. My parents were vegetarians when I was little and they were into all this strange stuff, which I loved back then but is near impossible to translate since the words just won't show up in the online dictionary. But once I started going to kindergarten it was all about factory produced food. Took me ages to get over it and start explore new stuff again.

Today, I had some semla in hetvägg.
You haven't had a pastry until you've had that. It has the flavour of a time when you still had oxens and ground your wheat in a windmill. Criminally overlooked worldwide. In that article it says that is is also traditional in Norway, but the Norse guys I had it with today didn't know what it was!!
Oh, the shock, the horror.

Serving it in a bowl of hot milk with some cinnamon is the trick. Then you can take the 'hat' off first, and dip it into the milk. Aah. I am currently in a state of gastronomic euphoria.

NP: Bruce Springsteen - Working on a Dream

Richard Prowse 02-20-2009 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Joel Larsson (Post 11091)
Today, I had some semla in hetvägg.

I'd go for a semla over grits any day!
My mother used to make bread and butter pudding when I was a kid. That was nice!

Oren Hudson 02-20-2009 10:36 PM

I'm glad you're coming around - semla on top of grits - sounds like a true delight! If your mom had added bananas to the bread and butter pudding, you would have gotten what we in the South call banana pudding. Ever had banana pudding my friend Richard? :confused:

So Joel, tell me about your criminal Norse friends that you had lunch with today? Sounds pretty exciting. I'm guessing that you gave them the story of semla. Every time I put this semla word down, I want to put Selma, as in Alabama, instead. Now there's a good ole Southern state that knows the pleasure of grits. And speaking of milk, do you ever have peanut butter-crakers and milk? I had a few just moments ago. In closing, I need a clue - NP??? :o

Richard Prowse 02-20-2009 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by Oren Hudson (Post 11096)
I'm glad you're coming around - semla on top of grits - sounds like a true delight! If your mom had added bananas to the bread and butter pudding, you would have gotten what we in the South call banana pudding. Ever had banana pudding my friend Richard? :confused:

No, but I'm keen to try it.

Joel Larsson 02-21-2009 01:52 PM

Oren, NP is short for "now playing." It's a desperate way to express your sophisticated taste in music, or to hope for human contact through a response from another person who shares (and maybe admires) your sophisticated taste in music (and your loneliness, perhaps due to your delving too deep into the vast realms of sophisticated music).

Actually, a semla on grits could work, especially if there is some hot milk in the mix.

NP: Beirut - No Dice

Richard Prowse 02-21-2009 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Joel Larsson (Post 11104)
NP: Beirut - No Dice

Can I loan them some?

Joel Larsson 02-21-2009 06:46 PM

I don't know, Richard. But probably. They are one of those bands who desperately needs more listeners, hence me being so desperate to tell the world that I am cool enough to listen to them. They probably need money too.

Dave Martin 02-22-2009 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Joel Larsson (Post 11114)
They probably need money too.

Don't we all?

Joel Larsson 02-22-2009 04:35 PM

That reminds me that we strayed way off topic here. You're still most welcome, Dave!

NP: Yoko Kanno - Run Rabbit Junk

Richard Prowse 02-22-2009 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by Joel Larsson (Post 11128)
That reminds me that we strayed way off topic here. You're still most welcome, Dave!

No Joel, WE didn't stray off topic, you and Oran did.

NP. NHOP - This is all I ask.

Joel Larsson 02-23-2009 05:13 AM

Dang... I always try to assume that there is a collective responsibility whenever possible. Now when I know it's all my fault, I won't be able to sleep at night!

Richard Prowse 02-23-2009 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Joel Larsson (Post 11134)
Dang... I always try to assume that there is a collective responsibility whenever possible. Now when I know it's all my fault, I won't be able to sleep at night!

Isn't it always daytime in Norway for about six months of the year? You won't need to sleep.

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