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Kirk P Brosius 04-16-2009 12:42 PM

new strings
Hello all,

I took Tim Bishop's advice and ordered a set of Compressors with a Taper "B" from Ken and they went on right away. The "B" saddle needed just a hint of readjustment to compensate for the taper and the intonatation is right in the ballpark, too.

The playability of these strings fits my style very well. As I mentioned before, I play with a light touch and the lighter gauge is like butter under my fingers!

I expected the feel to be smoother; they seem closer to rounds than flats but, after a few sessions, this is not a concern.

My only regret is not ordering two sets at the same time to save a little on the shipping cost.

Anyone else here use these?

Regards, Kirk

Tim Bishop 04-16-2009 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Kirk P Brosius (Post 12277)
I expected the feel to be smoother; they seem closer to rounds than flats but, after a few sessions, this is not a concern.
Regards, Kirk

Great! I knew you would like em.

And yes, they should feel as you described. Compressors are not Flat Wounds. Flat Wounds would feel smoother, however, flat wounds would not be as bright. With the Compressors, you get the best of both worlds. ;)

I played in a musical recently and used these Smith Slick Wounds. Songs from the 60's with a full orchestra. The strings were a perfect fit in every aspect. :)

Bob Faulkner 04-16-2009 02:51 PM

I use compressors on every bass I own except a 4 string fretted that just doesn't see enough use to bother changing the strings much. When those are worn enough to care I'll be putting compressors on it. They do feel much more rough than flats, and especially the low B's will feel more like a round wound than you would expect. But, the difference on finger wear and fingerboard wear on fretless basses (I play mainly fretless) is dramatic. I used to use Smith slicks which are a lot closer to the feel of flats than compressors are, but they also have less of the round wound zing than the compressors (though they still have much more zing than true flats).

I swear by compressors these days.

If you want a more flat wound feel, try the Smith slicks.

Tim Bishop 04-16-2009 10:08 PM

Slick Wound
Yes, the Smith Slick Wounds will have a similar feel to flats; just a bit brighter. It was actually the Slick Wounds I used in the musical (sorry, got confused :p).

Kirk, you might want to give the Slick Wounds a try and see if that's closer to what you wanted.

Kirk P Brosius 04-29-2009 07:20 PM

gonna try 'em
Hello all,

Hey Bob and Tim, thanks for the words. I will give the Slicks a try.

I bought a nifty 34" active 5str (not Smith) to use whilt I send my 5MW to Ken for a little R&R but I didn't send it yet because it's so much fun to play with the Compresors!!!!

I will give the Slicks a try plus I might as well give the Burner Nickels a go, too!

I love this web-site!!!!!!!!!!

Regards, Kirk

Gerry Sivers 07-02-2009 07:58 PM

I think I'll try the compressors. I just broke my second set of DR Lo riders.:( They were only 4 months old and the G string broke in the space between the 2 piece bridge again. Shame too because 4 months of play had them sounding just right for me. I have bright sounding basses and I like a string that can take the edge off while staying clear and warm.
If my Smith gets here in 1 piece, I'll surely be ordering strings. Better yet, can I buy strings from Ken's shop if I bring the bass in for TLC? I'm in PA. a lot.

Ken Smith 07-02-2009 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by Gerry Sivers (Post 14250)
I think I'll try the compressors. I just broke my second set of DR Lo riders.:( They were only 4 months old and the G string broke in the space between the 2 piece bridge again. Shame too because 4 months of play had them sounding just right for me. I have bright sounding basses and I like a string that can take the edge off while staying clear and warm.
If my Smith gets here in 1 piece, I'll surely be ordering strings. Better yet, can I buy strings from Ken's shop if I bring the bass in for TLC? I'm in PA. a lot.

You can buy Strings from the Shop in PA by calling or emailing us regardless of where you are in the country and have them shipped to you as well!

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