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Robert Prowse 05-31-2007 05:00 AM

Talk about DIY house renovation
Please, this is a bass site . Absolutely no discussion of DIY.

Marcus Johnson 05-31-2007 01:13 PM

Glad to see someone else is willing to grab the bull and do some home repairs himself. I've learned a lot of stuff working on my 30's-vintage plantation house here on Maui. Been doing so for ten years now; almost finished! :rolleyes:

Steve_M 05-31-2007 03:42 PM

Bought my own house to do up about 5 years ago. It hung like a millstone around my neck for 2 years until I sold it (finished) and gave me a permenant dust allergy.

Richard Prowse 05-31-2007 07:24 PM

I converted (with help) two garages into rooms at our place. Also redecorated the rest of the house. It cut into bass practice time.

Marcus Johnson 06-01-2007 12:48 PM

I'm about to invite the circus to town (tent fumigators) for the first time since we bought the house. I hate to see the termites undoing all our hard work. I guess a ten-year run isn't too bad... most people here seem to have to tent every 5-6 years.

Richard Prowse 06-02-2007 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Prowse (Post 4602)
That's out of it! Here's me fretting over a few little borer holes.

Rob went to the doc and the doc gave him some pills and told him to put them up his back passage. Rob took them home and put them in the passage near his newly renovated bathroom.
Later Rob complained to the doc, saying,
"For all the good those pills did, I could have shoved them up my... "
sorry about that!

Marcus Johnson 06-03-2007 02:32 PM

Hey Robert... I was cleaning out my workshop/ storage shed yesterday, and found our old portable shower that we used outside for a two months while I totally redid our one bathroom (I've since added a second). It's a sort of tall, skinny popup tent, into which I ran hot and cold water feeds... it stood in the middle of our backyard. I have to say, my wife and two daughters showed admirable pioneer spirit during those two months. But when I showed it to my wife yesterday, I said "whattya think, honey... keep it or toss it?", she gave it a BIG thumbs down. :D

Richard Prowse 06-05-2007 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Prowse (Post 4661)
How much do you want for it? :D
We all are using our on suite while I do up the main one. But step son insists on leaving his shower until we both want to go to bed!
We are on holiday today and no ones talking because of a stupid argumant over the shower last night!

Learn the bass and try playing them a bass solo. Everyone talks through my bass solos!

Marcus Johnson 06-06-2007 12:46 PM

Had a little bit of a NZ vernacular problem for a minute there.... I wasn't sure what "gib" was... so I looked it up in the online Webster's dictionary, and it told me that a gib is "a castrated male cat". Presumably, that isn't what you are screwing and gluing......:eek:

Anyway, those gib lifters are great if you are doing a big job. They make the job a whole lot safer, and save a lot of wear and tear on your neck and shoulders. The last time I hung a ceiling, we just muscled the panels up (two guys), it was not fun.

Richard Prowse 06-06-2007 02:14 PM

Young Rob, you weren't listening. Both gib screws and nails are fine and should be used in the same way. The glue is a good addition that also helps to keep the gib in place. In NZ you can borrow a gib lifter from most hardware stores so that even a small job can be made easier. Yes Marcus, I've tried muscling panels up too... certainly no fun!

stan haskins 06-06-2007 05:19 PM

A job which is no fun . . .
Speaking of a job which is no fun, I tried to save money last year by buying the cheapest wall-to-wall carpet I could find and installing it myself with a knee kick.

I didn't think about wearing knee pads until after I was done.


Needless to say, the carpet is basically destroyed now. We won't get a new one until after all of the potty training's done, though.

Richard Prowse 06-06-2007 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by stan haskins (Post 4723)
Needless to say, the carpet is basically destroyed now. We won't get a new one until after all of the potty training's done, though.

I hope it's just the kids who are doing the potty training Stan.
The worst job I've done lately was when I tried to put some fibreglass insulation (they're called Bats down here) just beneath the floorboards under the house. I had to wriggle along on my back. I got fibreglass dust from above and animal droppings etc. from below.

Richard Prowse 06-10-2007 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Prowse (Post 4835)
Just made that up!

That's okay 2nd. DIY is all about making things (up).

Marcus Johnson 06-18-2007 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Prowse (Post 4971)
The corner of my bathroom has sagged 3 inches;
I decided to jack it and raise it in pinches.
With creaks and with groans the old timber moans
But can ney resist the force on it's bones.

I can relate to that one! (though not nearly so eloquently). I am no stranger to the house jack experience. :eek:

Right now, I'm hand-nailing cedar shingles to the exterior of my new family room. Although the pace is relatively slow,I find it kind of relaxing.

Marcus Johnson 06-19-2007 01:32 PM

I does look nice, it's durable, and in my case, it matches the rest of the house , which was built in 1935. There are certainly easier sidings to apply, but I didn't feel like redoing the whole house, so I'm matching the new section to the old.

Richard Prowse 06-21-2007 08:03 PM

I had to install a toilet on the roof of a yacht once in case it capsized. Hard getting the water to stay in... had to use ice in the end. Gosh, that wouldv'e been one cold seat!

Richard Prowse 06-23-2007 03:18 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Prowse (Post 5134)
Funnily enough the maritine authorities still require a COC if the yacht is in New Zealand waters . It seems that this is because many people drown unnecessarily trying to flush the toilet while the vessel is upturned!

Robert, sometimes you are very funny!
Why didn't our mother conceive you second, instead of me?

Richard Prowse 06-25-2007 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Prowse (Post 5202)
A few weeks ago we picked up a NTV (nice tidy vanity) for $1.50 on Trademe. But then decided to go for a NNB (nice new bath) instead of a 2nd hand shub which meant the NTV was too long.
So back we go to Trademe and this time we sell the NTV for $28!
Just as the people are coming to pick it up the plumber comes and says he could have sold that NTV to a client for $150!

Moral being .... :confused:

I don't know.
Don't string a mandolin with fishing line?

Richard Prowse 06-26-2007 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Prowse (Post 5238)
Wise man doesn't use small hook to catch big catfish!

A wise man actually goes to a fish 'n chip shop.

Robert Prowse 08-13-2007 05:17 AM

One weekend later I have a sheet to go around the shower and bath taps.

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