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Tim Bishop 02-25-2007 06:15 PM

So, How Many Smith's do YOU own?
Hi All,

Ken thought this might be a great thread to start and I couldn't agree more, so, let's have fun!

I currently own 15 Smith's, but have owned probably 30 within the last couple of years.

I've since sold a few simply because I have friends that wanted to buy one from me (one I was willing to part with that is; and yes, I have sellers remorse on a few of those I've sold!), otherwise, I simply connected (i.e. unmatched feel, sound of woods and/or electronics, etc.) with what I currently have and have not been able to part with them at this time.

So, let's go! many Smith's do You own? 1, 2-4, 5-8, 9-12, 13+ ?

Desmund Nichols 02-25-2007 08:56 PM

I only have 1. It is the only bass I need right now.

Tim Bishop 02-25-2007 09:17 PM

Ok: Just to establish some clarification and understanding here:

I did not start this thread to build a platform for "bragging", I simply thought it would be interesting to ignite some discussion related to multiple ownership (if applicable), fascination and love of these basses.

So, just wanted to get that out of the way, just in case my opening message was mis-interpreted. Does that work for everyone???

Desmund Nichols 02-26-2007 12:38 AM

I didnt think you was bragging. If you like buying Smiths basses, thats your thing. I have a lot of basses too. I was just trying to imply that my 1 Smith bass completes me as a musicians. Like i finally found that bass that I dont have to look around for another one. Like im satisfied with it. If you owned 20 Smith basses, more power to you. I have 2 cell phones, so it would be hypocritical for me to try to judge you. Do I need 2 cell phones? No but I wanted 2 so I got 2. But i wasnt trying to get the messasge of your bragging. If i was to ever get another Smith, I would get an Elite edition. Thats my only regret. Not buying an Elite, but oh well. My bass still satisfies me so im straight. I would love to see your collection of Smith basses though.

Tim Bishop 02-26-2007 12:44 AM

Great! Then we are off to a good start. Just need some more input from other Smith players!

Ken Smith 02-26-2007 01:59 AM

I currently own 12 Double Basses (out of about 17 purchase for personal use) that I bought wanting 'something' that the Bass had to offer me at the time or wanting it as 'the' Bass for me at the time of purchase.

Each Bass at the time of purchase was something I either wanted, needed (in my mind) or found an attraction or charm that spoke to me. I know that being in the business I can sell off what I don't want. A couple of them came in on trade and some I bought to sell asap but still did some gigs with them. Two of the newer ones I bought originally for myself in the beginning of my re-entry into playing I had passed on to my two boys. One of them no longer plays Bass at the moment so I have that one back for gigs where an older Bass might get damaged like an outdoor concert or something similar. Still, I have played many a Jazz gig outdoors with my best Basses at the time but could not be relaxed leaving it on stage for even a 2 minute bathroom break.

I also have some DBs I bought just for entry level buyers as my DB business grew so I know what its' like to have a collection.

With the Electric Basses and even before I had my own Bass company, I usually played only one Bass exclusively with the exception of an occasional back-up Bass like one I would leave back stage between shows on a gig or have for students to play on at lessons.

At one time after I started my company I still had an old Bass when that sound was needed and used either my proto-type or the next Bass completed if it was un-sold at the time. I even played 5-string on a few Gigs in the mid '80s before retiring. That was not easy after playing 4-string all my live to suddenly be playing with an R&B singer and reaching for the low 'E' and finding the 'B'!. When I needed the 'B' I knew where it was but the E not being the bottom string was a trip for me. Also, the 'G' was further away and even the 'A' and 'D' were out of place. Not something that was easy for me. Testing them on a bench was way way different than playing them on a gig. The 6-string is something that I never played off the bench and the 7, please no.. Just the test.. ok?

I have seen a lot of Smith Basses float thru Ebay and this means as I was told by a friend of mine that Smith Basses are now collectors items and have reached 'vintage' status in their own time. But, How did this happen with Basses only 10-20 years old? Well, maybe because we don't make a lot of any one model or wood combination and we have made some slight changes over the years. Also, maybe because we build them good to start with and after 10-20 years the low maintenance they have needed has added to their value. Gee, I wish I could buy a car that and after 10 or 20 years only need a few parts fixed or some finish work done rather than the junk yard..

So to Tim and all the other collectors and customers, thanks for the support.:)

Tim Bishop 02-26-2007 06:26 AM

Wow! Thanks for taking the time to share this Ken. Very interesting.

Bill Bernhard 02-26-2007 11:02 AM

I have just one Smith right now. I have a '97 BSR5M, and I love this bass. Prior to this one I had a '85 BT4 set neck, passive. Played the heck out of that one, it was my only freeted bass from '86 to 2004, when I switched to 5 string. Hindsight being what it is, I wish I could have kept that bass and added the BSR5M, but I REALLY wanted a 5 or 6 string with active electronics. One thing about the '85 BT, that I think is a telling tale of the Smith Basses. I went to buy a new bass, I knew very little about Smith basses back then. I spent hours trying out everything they had, Alembic, Steinberger, Fender, Rickenbacker, Gibson, etc. I ended up picking the best sounding and playing bass they had, even though at the time it had little name recognition (to me). That ended up being the best purchase I've made.


Bob Faulkner 02-26-2007 12:06 PM

I have just 1 Smith. Mainly because they cost a lot and my days of plentiful cash have gone by.

I have a total of 3 basses; a Lotus I bought used in '92 that I learned on, and will be buried with, an Ibanez I bought in '94 because while I love the Lotus for sentimental reasons, it plays like 3 month old crap, and my Smith. Obviously the other basses are garbage compared to the Smith, in both build quality and play quality. I replaced the P pickups in the Ibanez with some Duncan quarter pounders so it actually has some decent tone to it though.

I'm going to buy a beater 5 string fretless in the next few months to have a fretless instrument to practice on without having to worry about the finish. Once I'm proficient on 5 strings I'll buy a Smith 5 fretless for serious playing. I love playing 4 string, and will pretty much stick to that most of the time, but on some songs I'll need to go lower than E and I hate detuning to get there.

No bass I've ever played comes close to feeling as good as a Smith.

Albert Smith 02-27-2007 10:14 AM

I currently own Three "Smith Basses" a WBT5 EG, a CR4MW and a CR6 6 that Ken is currently repairing the neck on, I got it off of ebay.

Tim Bishop 02-27-2007 09:54 PM

Albert, would love to see your BT5G and read a description on it.

Tim Bishop 02-27-2007 09:57 PM


Please see the Poll at the beginning of this Thread and Vote!

Tim B.


Jason Mendelson 02-28-2007 01:53 PM

3 if the KSD Proto-J's count...

BSRE6G (Frettless)
KSDP60J (Frettless)

Albert Smith 03-01-2007 07:41 PM

WBT 5EG Request

Originally Posted by Tim Bishop (Post 1085)
Albert, would love to see your BT5G and read a description on it.

WBT5 EG Elite Model

Made in the year 2001

Wide Model with 19mm Spacing
Body Style BT5

Tim Bishop 03-02-2007 11:15 PM

Now that is some pure sweetness! Thanks Albert!

Bob Faulkner 03-03-2007 09:54 AM

what woods are used in that body? that laminate contrast is awesome..

Albert Smith 03-03-2007 09:10 PM

Exhibition Grade Figured Walnut

Tim Bishop 03-05-2007 06:40 PM

Albert, on your BT5EG, what is the body core and laminate used?

Steve_M 03-06-2007 08:15 AM

I have three BSR-GN's (5 fretted, 5 fretless and 6 fretted) which are already shown here:

Tim Bishop 03-06-2007 09:20 AM

Very nice Steve! Beautiful basses.

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