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Mike Jenkins 11-10-2007 01:23 AM

It finally arrived!!!
I've waited since May when I ordered my BSR6EG and it has finally arrived!!! It came yesterday but I finallly put it down so I could show you these picture. The camera doesn't do any justice to the figure in the wood but you can still see that it's a head turner.

I want to thank Ken and his staff for producing such a beautiful piece of art. When I look at this bass and hold it in my hands I know that I'm holding one of the best musical instruments in the world. The quality of craftmenship is second to none. I visited the shop around this time last year and I was very impressed when I saw the work first hand. Ken and his people were great, giving me and my people a tour and all of the building and work process. I've always wanted a Smith but since that experience I'v been even more determined to have one made for me and now I have it. I'm already thinking about the wood combo for the next bass. Do I hear Black Tiger Elite anyone? Shhh, don't tell my wife!

I remember when I first got my Mac Book Pro. Every other computer I'd ever used seemed like a toy compared to it. Thats how I feel with this bass. All my other basses seem like toys. Sitting in the music store playing around with all the basses is no longer appealing. Everything else seems like a toy compared to this.

The bass is beautiful there's no denying that but it sounds even better. The tone is so sweet. Each note is so defined and present. Its as if each note sticks its hand up like a child during role call and says "I'm here, I'm here" because you know its present. I could even tell the difference while listening through my headphones and a cheep headphone amp. The bass is also very quiet. I had no Idea how much noise my other basses were putting out until I played this bass. And those other basses are high quality basses. I thought those basses were quiet but when my ears were straining to hear/feel the inaudible static the other basses give off during rest, but couldn't find any, thats when I noticed that this bass gives off none. So 8th and 16th note rest are more defined because the bass is so quiet. This helps define the notes as they're played because they aren't slurred together unless you bar them on purpose. The B string truly is the "best in the business." Or at least its the best B string I've ever played. Its equally as clean as the rest of the strings. It plays so well that its slap tone is as great as the other strings. Slapping it feels natural, the B string doesn't fight against me it just falls into place. I can slap this B all day long! The neck is very comfortable as well. Its easy to get to all the notes in all positions. The series/parallel switches actually do make a usable difference. The setup was nice right out of the box. All I had to do was tune the bass and play. These are some of the reasons why other basses seem like toys.

Exibition Grade Quilted Maple top and back
Walnut core
5 Piece neck
7 Piece body Wings of Maple and walnut

Tim Bishop 11-10-2007 08:08 AM

Congratulation Mike! Beautiful bass and great wood choices! :)

Albert Smith 11-10-2007 08:24 AM

A Star is Born
When ever I hear of someone receiving their "First" Smith Bass it always takes me back to when I first got mine. Mike your absolutely correct about every other Bass beeing of no comparison. I feel the same way about my BT5 EG Elite. I've owned Tobias, Modulus, Pedulla, but none of them measure up to the sound and tone I get out of my Smith. I congratulate you on your choice, and the pictures beam off of my laptop your Bass truly is a Ken Smith work of specialized and individual art. Each one of Ken's Masterpieces are hand made which means that wood was crafted just for YOU! Take care of that baby and if you don't already make sure you get her insured. IM me if you need information. :cool:

Ronson Hall 11-10-2007 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Mike Jenkins (Post 7417)
I've waited since May when I ordered my BSR6EG and it has finally arrived!!! It came yesterday but I finallly put it down so I could show you these picture. The camera doesn't do any justice to the figure in the wood but you can still see that it's a head turner.

I want to thank Ken and his staff for producing such a beautiful piece of art. When I look at this bass and hold it in my hands I know that I'm holding one of the best musical instruments in the world. The quality of craftmenship is second to none. I visited the shop around this time last year and I was very impressed when I saw the work first hand. Ken and his people were great, giving me and my people a tour and all of the building and work process. I've always wanted a Smith but since that experience I'v been even more determined to have one made for me and now I have it. I'm already thinking about the wood combo for the next bass. Do I hear Black Tiger Elite anyone? Shhh, don't tell my wife!

I remember when I first got my Mac Book Pro. Every other computer I'd ever used seemed like a toy compared to it. Thats how I feel with this bass. All my other basses seem like toys. Sitting in the music store playing around with all the basses is no longer appealing. Everything else seems like a toy compared to this.

The bass is beautiful there's no denying that but it sounds even better. The tone is so sweet. Each note is so defined and present. Its as if each note sticks its hand up like a child during role call and says "I'm here, I'm here" because you know its present. I could even tell the difference while listening through my headphones and a cheep headphone amp. The bass is also very quiet. I had no Idea how much noise my other basses were putting out until I played this bass. And those other basses are high quality basses. I thought those basses were quiet but when my ears were straining to hear/feel the inaudible static the other basses give off during rest, but couldn't find any, thats when I noticed that this bass gives off none. So 8th and 16th note rest are more defined because the bass is so quiet. This helps define the notes as they're played because they aren't slurred together unless you bar them on purpose. The B string truly is the "best in the business." Or at least its the best B string I've ever played. Its equally as clean as the rest of the strings. It plays so well that its slap tone is as great as the other strings. Slapping it feels natural, the B string doesn't fight against me it just falls into place. I can slap this B all day long! The neck is very comfortable as well. Its easy to get to all the notes in all positions. The series/parallel switches actually do make a usable difference. The setup was nice right out of the box. All I had to do was tune the bass and play. These are some of the reasons why other basses seem like toys.

Exibition Grade Quilted Maple top and back
Walnut core
5 Piece neck
7 Piece body Wings of Maple and walnut

What a beautiful, beautiful piece of work, Mike! I'll bet the tone makes your knees buckle, huh? Hearty congrats to you, and...enjoy! :)

Willie Williams 11-10-2007 10:02 PM

Great looking bass. I got my new one about a month ago, and it seems like I only put it down to sleep. ENJOY

Bob Faulkner 11-12-2007 12:17 PM

Beautiful bass man! You now have one of the best basses in the world in your possession. Your love of it will do nothing but grow.

Just last night at rehearsal, I played my beater 5 string fretless for the first 5 songs, then switched over to my Smith BSR4EG fretless for the more technical half of the set, and by the end of the set I was laughing hysterically and screaming "da*n I love this bass!!" .. I've owned it for 6 years, and still get that giddy about it..

No other bass I've touched feels or sounds as good.. Not even in the same league.

Christopher Rhodes 11-12-2007 06:33 PM

Nice Axe - with the flat-top pickups!
Nice Axe - with the flat-top pickups! I like the feel of the flat top pickups. I tend to play directly over my flat top pickups. I feels really good to the touch. I think it helps articulate the sound - without hearing the click of a string touching a magnet also.

Ken Smith flat-top pickups feel different - in a good way :)

Mike Jenkins 11-13-2007 01:59 AM

Thanks for all the great comments everyone. I do feel blessed. It was strange when I pulled the bass out of my bag and drummers, and other bass players were congratulating me as if I'd won first place in a contest or race. I pulled the bass out in a guitar shop today and even guitar players were ogling over it while congratulating me. I do have to admit that even though I payed a lot of $$$ I feel as if I've achieved something that most others haven't. I hope that more bass players can experience the thrill of owning a Smith because after all every bass player has a right to lay low with a Smith.;)


Originally Posted by Christopher Rhodes (Post 7457)
Nice Axe - with the flat-top pickups! I like the feel of the flat top pickups. I tend to play directly over my flat top pickups. I feels really good to the touch. I think it helps articulate the sound - without hearing the click of a string touching a magnet also.

Ken Smith flat-top pickups feel different - in a good way :)

I agree. The feel of flat tops is one reason why I choose them. That and I don't like when lent, dirt, and other debris get into the small holes of the poles. Pulse I think the flats look better. When I visited Ken's shop I was told that they are the same pickup in different cases. So choosing which pickup to go with is not a decision that rest heavily on the sound.

Roy Diza 12-04-2007 10:11 PM

That seven piece body is hot! Congrats! :)

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