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Elvis Bernal 11-07-2010 07:32 PM

Hello Everyone
Perhaps I have no business being here as I have just recently picked up playing the bass guitar. However, the name Ken Smith in the bass world in the genre of music that I am interested in is as highly regarded as that religious dude they call Jesus. On a serious note, I am from the Dominican Republic and merengue is a major part of our forklore. Having grown up in a family of musicians and more recently starting lessons myself, I've come to understand that a Ken Smith bass in your hand is necessary. I've committed alot of time to learning about the Bass (as an instrument) and its functions. I am now taking lessons and looking to purchase my first Bass guitar. IT MUST BE A KEN SMITH>>>NO EXCEPTIONS. Therefore, if anyone out there knows anyone looking to sell one, please advise....I would prefer a 5 string or a 6. I am currently learning ona 5 string.

Thanks everyone...looking forward to hearing your responses.

Tim Bishop 11-07-2010 08:20 PM

Hey Elvis! Welcome to the Forum. Feel free and let me know if you have any questions or if can help you out in any way. If I can't provide the answers, I'm sure Ken or others can.

Elvis Bernal 11-07-2010 10:36 PM

Thank You !
Thanks for the welcome. Looking forward to really learning from you guys. Hope to chat a bit with Mr. Smith one of these days. As for now, really excited about buying my first Bass Guitar. I'm still looking.

Ken Smith 11-08-2010 05:49 AM

Dominican Republic?
First off, Wayne Homes is a Joker so don't read too deep into his postings if it sounds strange. That's because, it is. If English in not your first language then I hope you get part of his humor. I am still :D

On the Dominican Republic thing, one of my earliest Gigs (1970?) was subbing with a Merengue type band from the D.R., Alberto Beltran. All the music notations were in Spanish and the Codas and D.S signs had my head spinning. I got lost more times than not..:eek:

But, it was a fun night, the music was great (I was the LEAST great) and I had a good learning experience. Welcome to the forum.

Now you know one more thing about Ken Smith that you didn't know 5 minutes ago.. ;) .. 'Compadre Pedro Juan' in 'G'.. 1,- 2,- 1,2, 3, 4, (That one I knew.. lol)

Ken Smith 11-08-2010 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by wayne holmes (Post 20867)
I may be laughing on the outside, but I am crying on the other side.

Why? You wanna know why?

Why? because I still don't know what the tartelian hell is tartan felicitaions!

does it have anything to do with Elvis impersonating? anything at all?

what about Johnny Wayne was a Joker or Raindrops keep falling on my Bed? am I getting close? Does Ken know yet?
I've heard that Ken and Arnold both know but they are not sharing it -you know - like their secret way of installing a carbon fiber rod into a neck...I guess some of their knowledge we will never by previledged to know-let's see- do they implant the rod in a young maple tree- no that would take too long. . . raindrops keep falling on my bed...

Raindrops keep falling on your bed? Wayne, that's Acid rain and from the looks of things, you are orally extracting just the Acid! :eek::eek:

Try sleeping with your mouth closed!:D

Elvis Bernal 11-08-2010 08:03 AM

Got it Ken !
Ken, I get it. I've been in the States for close to 26 years. I live in Montclair, NJ. I'm just two blocks from the Wellmont Theater, where they've been having some excellent jazz concerts lately. As for Dominican Republic, I hope you realize that the majority of Bass guitar players on Merengue bands have been using your guitars and are regarded as the I've been told. When I fianlly caved in to the family about learning to play...(I usually stick to writing lyrics) my uncles just a Ken Smith if we're going to tewach hear I am...waiting for a deal from one your As for Wayne....I was born in 1975...Momma had to name me after the "HOTTIE" on the picture...guess who that was...yep... Elvis..circa 1963....

Ken Smith 11-08-2010 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by wayne holmes (Post 20870)
Lord knows I have tried everything- the "sleeping with my mouth closed" - well, I tried that once- damn near croked on my chew. You ever try to spit chew juice through your nose. It's almost as hard as the metamorphosis of a carbon fiber rod and a bass neck. I mean it's just plain exciting.

Just what does this have to do with my one-a question?

tartan felicitaions---HELLOOOOOOOOOOOO

Wayne, rain on your own Parade.:mad: This is Elvis's thread. Do the math, mouth open if you must. :eek:

Anton Hasias 11-08-2010 03:25 PM

Hi Elvis,
Welcome to the forum.
Just want to share with you an experience I had 33 years before when I was 17.
I really thought that the Jazz Bass was the only necessary thing in order to play like Jaco.
My father was enough tired of me baging for this bass that finaly bought me the mighty Jazz.
It was my biggest chance in my life to learn three essential things:
- I was playing lousy even with the Jazz Bass, so I started seriosly to have bass and music lessons (Thanks God)
- My first bass was the top ( for that time) and if something was wrong in my playing it was nobody else than ME.
- My first bass was a Jazz Bass and I could live and play with it all my life and I still have it and it still sounds as goog as a Jazz Bass must sound. My taste for high end basses had some high refference. After owning about all high end basses, Smith was the next and maybe final step.
What I want to say? Stay away of cheap, trendy or coloured basses.
Save your cash and go get yourself the Smith of your dreams, I'd bet you will never regret.
Best regards

Anselm Hauke 11-08-2010 04:29 PM

hi elvis

i am a db-player. but i have a fender jazzbass for nearly 30 years.
i can play wrong notes out of time on every bass, whoever made it.

Ken Smith 11-08-2010 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by wayne holmes (Post 20887)
Hey, you are the one who originally asked what does tartan felicitaious mean?

I am serious- I want to know what it means. What's wrong with that?

I ain't the sharpest blade in the shop, but I do have a curious mind- I can't find tar fel in the dictionary-

do you know what it means- is it the name of a special breed of dogs, perhaps. Maybe your new member doesn't have the ability to put pictures on your forum, like me, but the closest thing was his dogs name-could that be what it means? You get your own umb brella- you young whipper snapper.

Wrong thread.. Ok?

Elvis Bernal 11-09-2010 02:41 AM

Its o.k. Mr. Smith...
I work for the courts...I deal with people in Wayne's World all the time.
Tartan..... Go nuts wayne....
BTW...if Mary didn't have a lamb...what would she have?

Elvis Bernal 11-09-2010 09:52 AM

Silly Rabbit !
I work for a Kangoroo Court ! by the way Wayne...Feliz Cumpleaños...

Mr. Smith: I apologize for Wayne's blatant Hi-jack of my thread...all in good fun. However, I'm new here and don't want to appear as if am encouraging him. know him better than I do.

Ken Smith 11-09-2010 10:20 AM

I got to go to work..

Originally Posted by wayne holmes (Post 20899)
Feliz Cumpleanos- oh no, you are a very bad boy, bad boy-you are killing me with these mystery words. is it something like fa- lease na de da

does it have the word up and a variation of you in the dif?

if you told Ken what it means, would he put his name in your friends box

okay, enough of this crapleanos- I got to go to work

"I got to go to work?" Wow, that's the smartest thing I've ever heard you say!:)

I guess it will be 8 hours till your reply.:D Wishful thinking.. :eek:

Bin Hire 11-09-2010 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by wayne holmes (Post 20867)
I still don't know what the tartelian hell is tartan felicitaions!

Wayne, if it's any help, my wife uses the word 'felicitations' often when writing cards to women friends. When a women, for instance, becomes engaged, others sometimes wish her 'felicitations'. The man is generally 'congratulated'.
Tartan felicitations would suggest a Scottish greeting from a slightly feminine point of view.
I hope that helps.

Bin Hire 11-09-2010 06:01 PM

I might have been a bit off the mark with that 'feminine' idea. A thousand apologies.
From Webster’s, 1969:
FELICITATE is the more formal term, denoting the simple offering of good wishes and hopes for happiness; CONGRATULATE is intimate, familiar, or informal, and more often implies acknowledgement of achievement or good fortune.

Terry McDougal 11-10-2010 10:33 PM

No, he's standing behind something.

Bin Hire 11-10-2010 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by wayne holmes (Post 20922)
you were'nt off the mark--btw love your big mustache;)

Wayne you are a joker. It took me a while to work that one out.
You should be a stand up comic.
I actually have no moustache (please watch your spelling) and I'm not wearing a burka either.;)

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