Ken's Corner (Bass Forums Sponsored By KSB)

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Ken Smith 05-08-2007 03:11 PM

Silly Threads!
Guys, how many silly threads do we need to have here. If I were paying for this by the Post, I would be out of business by now. I would like to know how many of you actually see value in these 'one word' and 'one line' replies to basically Nothing!:(

Please Chime in ONCE only Please with an opinion. Once is enough unless there is some two way conversation going on. Something we see very little of in these threads.

Maybe I can combine all 4 of these and make it a "Lonely Hearts Club! Huh?

Theses are the Threads I am referring to;

and this one where it seems to be a 'mirror mirror' thread;

Not that the other 3 are not close to that 90+% of the time...:o

Richard Prowse 05-08-2007 03:58 PM

I really like the Down Here (NZ) thread. Do you remember, Ken, that you actually set it up. I wrote a few things and you set up the thread and called it 'Down Here (NZ)'. It has had over 7000 views now. Well done Ken... a good initiative!
I think those threads where you only write your name or a sentence are a bit silly. If I was in charge, I'd get rid of them... and downgrade the ranking of the idiot who started them.
I have visited other bass sites, but yours is by far the best! It is the only one that I visit now. I loved reading about cornerless basses. The vibrato thread is interesting too... it contains my reply from Gary Karr.
Thanks again Ken and keep up the good work.

Ken Smith 05-08-2007 05:34 PM

Rid the others?

Originally Posted by Richard Prowse (Post 3993)
I really like the Down Here (NZ) thread. Do you remember, Ken, that you actually set it up. I wrote a few things and you set up the thread and called it 'Down Here (NZ)'. It has had over 7000 views now. Well done Ken... a good initiative!
I think those threads where you only write your name or a sentence are a bit silly. If I was in charge, I'd get rid of them... and downgrade the ranking of the idiot who started them.
I have visited other bass sites, but yours is by far the best! It is the only one that I visit now. I loved reading about cornerless basses. The vibrato thread is interesting too... it contains my reply from Gary Karr.
Thanks again Ken and keep up the good work.

Well, the person (not idiot) who started those other Threads can actually delete them easily by using the EDIT function and choose Delete on the FIRST Initial Post they made when they started it. This will delete the entire Thread. I have the power ONLY one time to choose to delete it from the server or Restore it. If I wipe out the 'wipe out', it is gone forever. OR.. I can leave it 'restorable' for another day if I so choose to.

I Agree that the DOWN HERE Thread is getting quite colorful. Too bad though that more don't join in with the fun. I remember when I was a kid and got caught doing something Bad I would say, "he told me to do it". Putting the blame on the person that gave me the idea. The response I got was "If he jumps off a Bridge, are you going to follow him?"

Gee, why aren't more people following you over here? Is it that far a jump to get 'Down Here'?.. lol:p

Chris Rapadas 05-08-2007 11:52 PM

Well Ken,I look at it this way,IMHO the meat and potatoes of this Forum is lacking traffic and, content.It's true we all could be posting more new interesting threads.

For Me,I'm so used to being told to use the search function on other forums that,I am always reluctant to post.I just search other forums for the info. I need.I mean it's hard to post and not feel like I'm beating a dead horse!

That said,I think the threads in question are fine and, as for the Down Here thread,I think it's very well written and,entertaining.I think once this forum fills up with "more useful" threads these,"silly" threads will become less of an annoyance to You.

Also,with the caliber of players and,Luthiers posting here I think the content can be pushed well beyond other forum's content!Give it some time;)....Chris.

stan haskins 05-09-2007 08:32 AM

What Chris said . ..
+1 - Let the Bull Pit be the Bull Pit. We're all going to get scared to post if you start criticizing what we say in good fun. Maybe you want to reorganize it so that it's not the first thing that new viewers see when they come to the site, though.

Like Chris said, there's not alot of content yet (at least on the DB side of things - I don't plan on spending much time in the EB portion), so any activity is good activity, right? I come back to Ken's many corners on a daily basis and check the updates to the silly threads as part of my daily "internet routine". If I were just going to check the "hard content", I would have given up on the site, because there just isn't enough activity there yet. Questions get answered much faster on TBDB (though, of course, the quality of the discussion is usually much lower) . . .

Aside from the lack of content thus far, the quality of the discussions outside of the Bull Pit seems to be pretty good - I like not having to sift through ill-considered responses written by teenagers using a screen name.

Ultimately, Ken, it's your call because you own it and your name is on it. So do as you see fit.

Ken Smith 05-09-2007 10:32 AM

Questions get answered much faster on TBDB?

Originally Posted by stan haskins (Post 4018)
+1 - Let the Bull Pit be the Bull Pit. We're all going to get scared to post if you start criticizing what we say in good fun. Maybe you want to reorganize it so that it's not the first thing that new viewers see when they come to the site, though.

Like Chris said, there's not alot of content yet (at least on the DB side of things - I don't plan on spending much time in the EB portion), so any activity is good activity, right? I come back to Ken's many corners on a daily basis and check the updates to the silly threads as part of my daily "internet routine". If I were just going to check the "hard content", I would have given up on the site, because there just isn't enough activity there yet. Questions get answered much faster on TBDB (though, of course, the quality of the discussion is usually much lower) . . .

Aside from the lack of content thus far, the quality of the discussions outside of the Bull Pit seems to be pretty good - I like not having to sift through ill-considered responses written by teenagers using a screen name.

Ultimately, Ken, it's your call because you own it and your name is on it. So do as you see fit.

I think Questions get answered here pretty fast and more accurately but I may be wrong. What kind of questions are you referring to? I see many questions in TB sitting there only to be guestimated at by another newbie. here, you have a ton of Pros (if you weigh with decades of experience (individually mind you) to answer your Bass questions Electric or DB!

If ever you need a question answered, just email me and I will get on the Forum and respond in some way at least.

On the Bull/Silly stuff, I made the Thread to see who is listening, reading or caring about it. When Richard posts 5 or 6 times in a row back to back talking to himself, I wonder if he is either too lonely, has nothing better to do, needs to vent, others are too scared to tangle with his wit, or no ones home!

Yes, I do see some Value in the 'Pit but why show we leave Rich out in the Rain? Lassieeeeeee... Come homeeee.....

Steve_M 05-09-2007 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Ken Smith (Post 4022)
On the Bull/Silly stuff, I made the Thread to see who is listening, reading or caring about it.

Maybe people feel like they don't have anything important to say. Do you think there's a problem somewhere?

Mike Smith 05-09-2007 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Chris Rapadas (Post 4005)
Well Ken,I look at it this way,IMHO the meat and potatoes of this Forum is lacking traffic and, content.It's true we all could be posting more new interesting threads.

For Me,I'm so used to being told to use the search function on other forums that,I am always reluctant to post.I just search other forums for the info. I need.I mean it's hard to post and not feel like I'm beating a dead horse!

I'm glad you look first at searching, that's usually a problem to new comers who think that they're the ONLY person in the world who has ever had that problem. Well, that's very unlikely, so you may feel reluctant to post. After doing your search, don't feel shy about posting though because this forum is still in its infancy, there's not much content to search for info through!

Marcus Johnson 05-10-2007 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Ken Smith (Post 4022)
others are too scared to tangle with his wit,

I don't think that's the case. Maybe most people don't see the need to respond to what's essentially a monologue. I've read it, enjoyed a lot of it, while parts of it have left me like this :confused:. As long as it isn't offensive in the eyes of the forum rules, it doesn't bother me either way.

Maybe many do as I do, which is to head straight for the info about which I know the least, or which holds the greatest interest to me. Usually, that's the string forum (big surprise). I increasingly do the same at TBDB..... basses, strings, maybe jazz technique, and then I'm out. And since I'm such an opinionated, grizzled old veteran of the trenches :rolleyes:, I tend to respond to threads rather than start them.

Richard Prowse 05-11-2007 04:59 AM

I've asked Mike to delete all my 'silly threads', including the "Down Here (NZ)" thread. Please do this soon Mike.
I'm off, but I'm a little sad because I think I've actually made a few special friends in my time here. They may very well disagree but, people like Stan, Anselm, Greg and Steve M have really touched my heart. For me that's what our time here on planet earth is all about. Ken, I like you (obviously not a shared emotion). I think you are a very good father, but always remember to let Mike be his own man. He is obviously is a very talented guy! Ah! But who am I to give advice? Just a jester, after all!
I honestly wish you all at Ken's Corner every happiness in your lives.
Thanks Ken for letting me write.
Richard Prowse

Ken Smith 06-28-2007 12:56 AM

Repeat Post from "The Lurker Speaks"
This is still a BASS Forum and not a Bull Forum. I expect MOST of the Chat to be Bass related with SOME of the Chat being non-Bass oriented to a degree.

Still, there are a few Threads and Posts in some Threads I do not at all like. This is not a public Street Corner. It is MY personal Private Corner that I share with fellow Bassists. Lets keep it Bass oriented as much as possible and find some other place for the silly 'I have nothing else better to do' kind of postings.

I believe that some of the nonsense here actually makes other more serious minded Bass People shy away from posting here including in the Bull Pit.

Against the advice of my Son Mike, I still may go back in the 'Pit here and clean up some of the mindless chatter that does little more than take up cyberspace 'bits. Not my intention at all for starting this Form in the least bit

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