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Ken Smith 08-26-2011 10:20 PM

Talk Bass Thread Soap Opera.. lol
I just found this Thread on TalkBass and as usual, people come out of the woodwork and just make things up or blow things way out of proportion.

The problem is that I can't go on there to address these 'slurs and many of the Ghost posters wont give out their real true name to come here and state their case.

One guy said if we met we would probably get into a fist fight. That's his opinion. I am nearly twice his age. Why would he even think that is a possibility. Unbelievable stuff I am reading. I would love the negative posters over there to come out from hiding, be a REAL man and post that here where we could talk. No fists, just clean adult conversation.

I can imagine what might happen 50 years from now when I'm gone and people come up with stuff just to justify their own whims. Sad I think.

Many of the people we do business with would not bother with posting on boards like TB where you don't know who it is.

Richard Prowse 08-27-2011 04:52 PM

I was going to comment over there, but they've closed the thread.
Ken, I think I'm a pretty good judge of people and I know you are a man of honour. That's all that matters to me. People say and write things that are not fair and often simply just not true. Most of us have the intelligence not to believe everything that we read. Telling your story (of those early days), like you did, was the best thing to do.
I think the support that people will undoubtedly register on this thread will help to put the story straight.

Ken Smith 08-27-2011 07:20 PM

Thank's Rich. I read the entire thread there and looked like some kind or story that I was hearing for the first time rather than something that I was around for to witness. Strange but not the first time I've read fabricated stories and false statements.

They are welcome to come here and discuss anything they like about me or my company. They just need to use their real name. Cheap shots are a dime a dozen from anonymous posters. Maybe less than a dime now in this economy.. lol

Bin Hire 08-28-2011 01:17 AM

I love this forum. I'm with you too Ken. Let them speak out here. If they're not afraid to put a name to their comments.

Terry McDougal 08-28-2011 03:02 AM

Let these people show their true colours. I'm with Ken too.

Scott Pope 08-28-2011 10:06 AM

Ken, you should know that the thread was closed. Unfortunately, not deleted, but at least closed.

That kind of thing is what I expect to see on the front pages of the pulp at the supermarket checkout, not on a hobbyists' forum.

Ken Smith 08-28-2011 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Scott Pope (Post 23299)
Ken, you should know that the thread was closed. Unfortunately, not deleted, but at least closed.

That kind of thing is what I expect to see on the front pages of the pulp at the supermarket checkout, not on a hobbyists' forum.

Yes it was closed and over 1500 people have read it. As you say, many of them Hobbyists. But, even Hobbyists buy basses. Some very expensive and even way over priced. Just talk nice on the phone and they will hand you their life savings as long as you build them what they ask, right or wrong. Then when they realize what they bought and paid for,mentally they will justify their purchase and NEVER admit the made a mistake or over paid. That would be hard to sleep with knowing your screwed yourself. They even have support groups on like where you show and talk about the great bass you paid double for and can't get half your money back in a fair deal but hey, you gotta believe you did the right thing, right?

Just being sarcastic here, a little..;)

Now, I read this from the same Mod that shut that Thread down; "Cover your profanity completely, or your post will be deleted!!!"

Ok, so I agree. Then, Delete that Hang-Mob Thread. It only builds hate.

Thanks for the support guys.

Michele Caramazza 08-28-2011 03:40 PM

Yeah, threads like that should be deleted. Not because of the subject but because one of the actors isn't allowed to chime in expressing his point of view, and he also got potential damage to his own business by it.
Personally, I pay to this stuff the same attention I could pay to those magazines on the stand while you're sitting at your barber shop waiting for an haircut. But that's just me, a person that doesn't make his own opinions based on second hand experiences (expecially those vented on the internet), and I could totally see how this bad blood could turn many people away from Ken's basses. And that's a shame.

Hajime Hirose 08-30-2011 06:12 PM

I already know you for very long time and it is a part of my life.
I believe you only tell truth. Of course, if people look from another side, they look difference. But it is truth, as well.
And you teach me so many things (of course, you don't tell so many things by words, but I feel or study in myself), you never tell lie for me and people I know, this is most important thing. I always reflect this attitude for my customers.

Ken Smith 08-30-2011 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Hajime Hirose (Post 23318)
I already know you for very long time and it is a part of my life.
I believe you only tell truth. Of course, if people look from another side, they look difference. But it is truth, as well.
And you teach me so many things (of course, you don't tell so many things by words, but I feel or study in myself), you never tell lie for me and people I know, this is most important thing. I always reflect this attitude for my customers.

Thank you Hajime. That means a lot to me. When I was in Japan in 1989 staying with the head or Morris Guitars and MMI distribution, Toshio Moridiara, he too taught me many many things. Being my senior by many years and having played Golf with him many times I learned about patience in business with others but, I heard him scream at someone on the phone once when they didn't get my sample Burner bass ready in time a few days before I was to fly to Japan. The Bass sample WAS ready when I arrived though! So, one has to be a Gentle Giant sometimes and other times, just the Giant. ;)

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