Thread: Hullo!...
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Old 01-28-2009, 07:27 PM
David Alan McIntire II David Alan McIntire II is offline
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Join Date: 01-28-2009
Location: St. George, SC.
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David Alan McIntire II is on a distinguished road
Default Hullo!...

... And good afternoon! My name is David, a bass guitarist from a teeny town in SC called St. George. Am originally from Rhode Island, spent much of my formative years in Ohio. I am 41 years old, have been playin some type of instrument since about 5 when my family's back porch bluegrass band would sit and play. Tried playin every instrument under the sun, mom insisted as she played piano and was quite good, but was terrible at all I tried til picked up an electric bass when 14 or so. Was offered spot in band two weeks or so later, been giggin, literally, ever since. Started out a metal head, influences bein JPJ, Steve Harris, Geddy, Mike Anthony and John Deacon, and many others. Guess in '94 or so saw Dream Theater's video for a song called "Lie" and had to have a Low B. Bout same time played my 1st Smith, a Chuck Rainey 6 and the dream was born. Several years later got, and still have, my first and only Smith to date, my own CR6G-MW. I have no musical preferences now, I'll play anythin, anywhere, anytime, and have been called upon to do so continually. No formal trainin, but taught myself to read and write on my own, as that was my responsibility. They ain't written a piece of music I don't love, wit possible exclusion of Brittany Spears, but if got that gig, heh, and could bring my Smith, I'd love that music, too. I play 4-7 nights a week, and LOVE my job. The whole net thing new to me, so gimme time and I'll get pics of myself and my gear. Gear just tools, and though those tools can inspire, it's a poor carpenter who blames OR gives responsibility to those tools. All comes from inside you, no matter what ya play. I just happen to be lucky that mine include the best, and most inspirational, bass made today. A Ken Smith. So Hullo, greetings, and here's to some great conversations!
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