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Old 05-08-2009, 04:57 PM
Brenton Carter Brenton Carter is offline
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Default thomastik vs. pirastro

"The Permanents are pretty good right out of the box. They sound alot more "brilliant" then what I'm used to (Heliocores - won't be going back to those), and I hope that translates into "penetrating" or "projecting" in a big room. They still have a good deep fundamental tone, though. . . .

They're lower tension than what I expected, which I guess might end up being a good thing in the long run ..."

in my own experience and upon my teacher's advice, thomastik is a bit hit and miss: their quality assurance doesn't seem to be as good as pirastro, especially with helicores. i've played on some helicore that sounded 3 years old and others that sounded okay... something i'd recommend for a student to stay away from.

permanents were nice on my bass. they were really well balanced across and very even when extending in the upper registers. plenty of power all over too. they are one of the best sets of strings (if not the best i've experienced) for standing out a little bit in your section: if your sound doesn't have the bite to stand out. and a little less tension on your top is good for your bass. if it's too low, you can mix them with some Original Flat Chrome on the bass side... might be unbalanced though.

they do have initially alot of nice ring to them, but after a while mine sort of seemed dead and made my bass sound more "woody" than i'd like it to (a sound that has become pretty unpopular with some recent audition committees).

i've been using flexocores and will probably remind my ears how permanents sound sometime soon. cents
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