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Old 09-13-2009, 07:47 AM
Eric Rene Roy Eric Rene Roy is offline
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Join Date: 04-28-2007
Location: Warwick, RI
Posts: 38
Eric Rene Roy is on a distinguished road

The wood was plenty dry and about 8 years old. The bass was made in the fall of 08...did well through the winter, and then I saw it at the ISB (June 09) and it was fine...perfect even...I looked it over well as it is the one and only I did with glue spots. We had a record breaking amount of rain in June and July...and it was July when it failed. I suspect the owner let it sit in his house with the windows all open and 80 to 90% humidity instead of running his air conditioner to keep it at a more healthy 40 to 50%. Regardless of his wouldn't have developed the problem it did had I glued the braces normally.

By glue spots...I mean take your brace (This bass had traditional horizontal bracing) and put a one inch drop of glue every 2 inches across the brace. This is a bad idea and one I will not do again.
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