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Old 10-16-2009, 06:15 PM
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Lightbulb Re-finished?

Originally Posted by Jeremy Darrow View Post
One of my main basses is a late 30's/early 40's Kay. The label is long gone, and the bass has been refinished, so I suspect it is of little value to a collector. However, it sounds good, records well and is pretty much a tank, so it's a very useful bass. The tuners, however, have seen better days, I've cleaned and lubricated them, but they're still giving me some trouble and I worry about breaking the grips off since some of them are already bent. I'm considering replacing them with Rubners, I think Sloans would be overkill.

Several friends have discouraged me from doing this because it will make the bass less original, never mind that very little on the bass is original. I would keep the old tuners, and perhaps re-install them if I ever sell the bass, presuming the buyer wanted them.

I'd like to hear opinions from the experts here. Would the swap de-value the bass so much that I should reconsider? Isn't the operation completely reversible? The original tuners are on a plate, and would conceal any scars if they were returned to the bass (I would of course disclose the work to a potential buyer).

Thanks for your time,
I am no Kay expert but I think a re-finish is much more of a vintage/original devaluation than Tuners are. The Kay Tuners are nothing to lose sleep over if you ask me.

For anything Kay-related, I would suggest you consult Jerry Fretwell at as he is a Kay officinato. Who knows, he may even have some original gears to sell you or at least tell you what's best to keep you Kay as 'valued' as possible.
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