Thread: Here (U.S.)
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Old 10-07-2010, 02:30 AM
Trevor Lindsey Trevor Lindsey is offline
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Originally Posted by Ken Smith View Post
I will be working most of the weekend to help preserve our way of life. Work and get fed or the job you have goes to India or the Philippines, or China or Argentina.

We work to live and people die defending our freedom. Then, big corporations SELL our Jobs to other countries. Is that why Americans die in Foreign wars? To ship our Jobs overseas and unemployed fellow Americans so that Corporate heads can make Multi Millions until the company goes Bust and then keep the Money and their wealth while the Unemployed who lost their Jobs DIRECTLY from these Greedy MoFos then starve to death trying to survive on what little they have left?

If we must fight and die for a cause, let the cause do more than fatten a few millionaires.

I had trouble with my GM Car. I called and spoke to some rude ass in Argentina who told me 'too bad' you are stuck with the Car.
I had trouble with my Visa bill and called. I spoke to some woman in INDIA who knew all of my private information.
I had trouble with my Web service and called on night and spoke to someone in the Philippines. The billing center is only 20 miles from me where they take my money. The Problem center is on the other side of the world.

I spoke to a wife of an Auto Credit worker and was told her husband was ordered to go to India and train them to do his job or he would loose his and his pension. He did as was told and afterwards was fired because, they didn't need him anymore.

Is this what we fight and die for? GM lost 23 million last year as reported. The CEO salary was 16 million. So, they really only lost 7 million but he pocketed 16 million because he was greedy. Now your sons and grandchildren will pay in their taxes the bail out that allowed him to keep the 16 million he stole in my opinion and kept.

I hope truly that Obama fixes this Greed for money and life policy. It is totally messed up. I never felt more like a puppet on a string than I have felt this past year. It doesn't matter how hard I work. It matters more how many millions these CEO's can steal and get away with. Then, we the public puppets have to pay for it. This totally sucks..
Ken is telling it like it is. I don't think Tim's original intent was to stick it to the Right Wing, but Ken's comments certainly do make it clear that the last administration really screwed the pooch. Like Ken says, I hope Obama can dig his way out of the mess that he inherited, but I think he is going to have to make some hard choices that will require growing a serious set of gonads.
Why people can't see that the One Percenters, CEO's and old school politicians are the ones stealing our tax dollars, and doing their best to destroy the middle class ( Yes, that includes you, you Walmart shoppin', Rush Limbaugh worshipping, gun toting hillbillys out there ), I just can't understand. Yet they still vote these fools into office, and believe the crap they spew.
Here is the perfect example of lack of smarts....the guy who had his house burn to the ground today because he did not pay the local fire department $75.00 for his yearly coverage. His county in "redneckville" had the typical knee jerk reaction to voting to raise taxes to cover emergency services. In good old "right wing" fashion, they strongly voted for no new taxes, and left coverage up to individuals in the local communities to pay the $75.00 per year for fire dept. services. Well of course this guy did not pay, so he got no help and his house burned to the ground killing his dogs and cats as well. The moral of this story is that if the fools in the county had just done the math, and voted for the tax increase, they all would have paid 13 cents each to have full fire dept. coverage, and this guy's home would have been saved. I know I would rather pay 13 cents that $75.00 for a much needed service. Does that make me a socialist? No, just better at math that the hillbillys in redneckville.
Just remember, there is no such thing as "Trickle Down Economics" and there never will be with the human race. We are inherently greedy, and when given power and the opportunity to steal, people do. Anyone who is rich today and complaining about taxes should look to what the tax rate was on the rich and corporations back in the 1950's. It was about 90%! They have it easy today. The key to a strong USA is a strong middle class and fewer elite billionaires.
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