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Old 10-07-2010, 04:51 PM
Trevor Lindsey Trevor Lindsey is offline
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Trevor Lindsey is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Ken Smith View Post
Trevor, did you say Walmart? I heard that this family of owners, the Waltons do nothing to contribute back to the people from the multi millions they pocket at the expense of mom and pop shops going under that can't fight the prices of 'made in china' Walmart big box stores.

Whether it's home items, simple clothes, furniture, hardware, appliances or electronics, they can under price everyone.

They do on the other hand hire a lot of people including the elderly but so does McDonalds and Burger King. At least there, most can tell the difference between processed food and real cooked food. How many can tell the difference between quality goods and Walmart bargains?
Yep, Walmart is pure evil. They hire folks, but you have to know their hiring practices to understand that even at that they are pure evil. They hire people at low wages, and keep their hours below 40 per week which does not qualify them for benefits of any kind. They are basically one step above slave owners. That is what big business is striving for. A slave work force.
The worst part is that these mega companies have so much pull in Washington, that no matter who we elect, the Walmarts of the world have the politicians in their back pocket. That leads to low wages, environmental destruction, a free ride on taxes for the corporations, and the conversion of the middle class to peasant slaves. The only winners are a few CEO's who take everything for themselves and hide the money in other countries. Just like **** Chaney.
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