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Old 04-14-2007, 01:32 AM
stan haskins stan haskins is offline
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stan haskins is on a distinguished road

Yeah, that's cool, but I found out soon afterward that I was losing ALOT of volume. I mean, ALOT. When palying in a small room, recording with a handy-cam, I didn't notice how much power adn volume i lost with that simple fix. Later, I went to play in a black box theater (big dead room - solo, for fun) and found out I was basically inaudible with the tailpiece mute. Same setting next night, took out the washcloth, and I could fill the room again. I can live with the rattle - I'm too proud of loud and aggressive sound. But it's certainly a good trick to remember for small rooms, or with amplification . . .

From what I understand, Edgar always plays closely mic'd and heavily amplified. His recorded tone is incredible, I've yet to see him live. But that might explain how he gets away with that muted tailpiece.

I've seen lots of bassists and cellists with a rag stuffed in their tailpiece lately - I think their instruments might be louder than mine though.
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