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Old 05-16-2007, 05:54 PM
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Ronson Hall Ronson Hall is offline
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Join Date: 03-02-2007
Location: San Antonio, Texas
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Ronson Hall is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Albert Smith View Post
Ronson, I was wondering since you have your new Smith does it seem easier to manipulate those tricky harmonics? compared to your ibanez do you feel and hear the difference in the way the Smith responds to your style of playing?

Brother, let me tell you something: The difference is truly night and day!

The first time I played a Smith (about 12 or 13 years ago), it was borrowed over a weekend from my good friends at Century Music here in town. A quilted maple beauty, I was able to literally do things sonically that I'd never done before. I vowed then that I would own one some day. I never forgot the sound I got out of that Smith.

I remember reading a while ago that a player's tone is in his fingers. My fingers are sort of big and soft, so I really respond to the mids and highs that a Ken Smith Bass naturally produces. Additionally, the neck is faster than anything I've ever owned, so the folks I play with can really tell the difference, and of course, they love it!

There was a rehearsal for the "Angel Choir" last Saturday, and I was called from my office to sit in. My Beauty (Smith) was at home, and my Ibanez was the only thing available. I began to play and, man, I felt like I was in another room or something.

Al, anything I think about doing, I can now do with ease on my Smith!
Ronson C. Hall
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