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Old 05-26-2007, 08:00 AM
Ken McKay Ken McKay is offline
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Join Date: 02-04-2007
Location: Traverse City Michigan
Posts: 169
Ken McKay is on a distinguished road

Now that I hear that again I think you need to dress your fingerboard first before you do any thing with the bass body.

You have a buzz on the E and A string, at least that is what I think I am hearing. Try finding where the string is buzzing. Jeff Bollbach's trick is to put some chalk on the bottom of the string and then retune to pitch and play. The chalk will rub off on the fingerboard and show the spot to scrape.

It sounds like the buzzing is in the area of the first position. My approach would be to remove the E by loosening it and moving it off to the side. Scrape the fingerboard under the E from where the nut butts against the fingerboard up to about F or maybe F#. Put back on the string and listen for improvement. Repeat as necessary. Once good, do this with the A string.

If this doesn't help, you will need to pop off the nut and plane the fingerboard down with a handplane. Start from about A on E string and plane towards the nut end.
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