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Old 08-15-2007, 09:49 PM
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Originally Posted by David Powell View Post
If you don't play German bow, how would you know?
Well, I wouldn't! That's not really the point though as I think no matter the grip you have to use your arm. Sure, maybe not as much for shorter off the string strokes, but all the power comes from the shoulder (and beyond). Nick's post confirms this for me, that German players do it too. It also sounds like you can use your fingers to aid in attack.

Just for fun, Jeff, you should try out a German bow. It also makes a difference if you are sitting or standing.
No thanks - I don't see any reason to waste time practicing something I'll never use. I think it's best that everyone just picks a grip and continues to develop that all along. Once you've mastered one, it's fair to consider spending some time on the other but as far as I'm concerned I'd like to focus on getting one right

I can get 2 inches of very rapid motion with just fingers and wrist. Not that I do that on long notes, just the quick staccato ones. I'll try to take some photos of what I do. Perhaps that will help.
I don't think I need photos - understand and this sounds quite fine, but even when executing spicatto you can't use only your fingers. They can aid the movement, but all the sound comes from the shoulder.

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