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Old 09-24-2008, 10:06 PM
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David Powell David Powell is offline
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David Powell is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Ken Smith View Post
I few months back Stanley was in Philly to play a special show at the School he used to attend. Needing a good Bow, he went up to my son Jon's apartment in town and borrowed his Bow for the night.

A few days later he called me and was in New York for a few days and still needed a good Bow and asked what I might have. I sent him a C.Loveri Bow and turns out, he likes it. The Black hair grabs well as he put it but would take some getting used to.

His main Bow is a Guiseppe Vitali which he bought from me around 1972. That was my personal main Bow until I replaced it with something else. He still has that Bow and loves it. Hal Robinson (Philly Princ.) also plays a Vitali and the assist Princ. In the Philly Orch. (Neil Courtney) was Stanley's teacher when he was in School there. He was classically trained but not many of us have seen him with Bow in hand.

It's nice to know that the C.Loveri can sit beside his 'other' high grade Vitali Bow that he's had for 35 years.
It was a small highlight of many at that show (Aug. 2), but on the recent Return To Forever tour, I did get to see Stanley play very exquisitely with a bow. Don't know which one it was though. Maybe the C. Loveri? I had binoculars and a floor seat, but I don't know what to look for to know. The show was split into an electric set followed by an acoustic set. He played the DB for a long time but used the bow selectively to great effect.
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