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Old 10-28-2008, 11:56 AM
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David Powell David Powell is offline
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Tricky business indeed with the C bout so wide. The neck angle looks about the same as my 5-er but my C bout is a couple of inches smaller, as is the rest of my bass except the upper bout;- and the 43" string. That is a big bodied bass. I don't think I've ever seen one with a 30" lower bout except that one.

I think you are on the right track with the neck pitch increase. You'll get a taller bridge and the difference between the break angle of the A string and other strings will be less proportionally. I have often wondered why (on my bass) the bridge and fingerboard (radius) is a bit large resulting in a more gentle arch than some 5 string basses I've seen. I think this is why the bass speaks evenly across the strings. It is a bit more touchy to play it aggressively, however I am now learning to play closer to the bridge and that has helped immensely.

With 5 strings it is an optimization problem: String access vs. even sonority across the strings. I think most 5 strings will have a dominant A string since it has the greatest break angle over the bridge. If you get the bridge too tall though in an attempt to even things out then the whole bass might lose some at the bottom end?

Of course the mensur will also increase a little and all the reference points will move up the neck a miniscule amount but starting at 41", you've got a long way to go before mensur is an issue. I'd say definitely go up on the pitch of the neck and take a careful look at the bridge and fingerboard arch at the same time.

Personally, (mind you I have no business making this assertion) I just think the strings are too short to drive the bass. It's a bit like having a bored out 350 engine with shortened rods. Longer strings have more mass moving, more central deflection in the vibration and deliver more energy to the body. My prediction: This bass will have a very low voice, but not such a loud one. And that might be a really nice voice.
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