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Old 07-28-2007, 06:15 PM
Charles Federle Charles Federle is offline
Junior Posting Member
Join Date: 07-25-2007
Location: Denton, Texas
Posts: 28
Charles Federle is on a distinguished road

I think I might be one of the oldest fashion here in that I pretty much only use word of mouth to decide what I want to buy. Granted since I have a bass that I am very happy with it is almost only other stuff that I might be looking at now (strings and such). But, the only thing I use magazines and the internet for at least with music purchases is to find out about new things and then I would go track down someone that I know is knowledgeable about X product. The other major source of course for me is places like ISB, at the exhibition halls I was very happy to get to play on more bass and bows then I can count.

For electric stuff it has been the same way, granted my electric sits in the corner more then it is played I am afraid, it was through word of mouth that I went out and tried and bought this bass. Which is a Peavey Foundation, which is more then enough instrument then I need, granted one of my friends has a KSB and it is only after playing on his that I would consider owning one now myself.
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