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Old 03-20-2007, 12:49 AM
Brian Glassman Brian Glassman is offline
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Join Date: 01-22-2007
Location: Bergen Co., NJ-USA
Posts: 67
Brian Glassman is on a distinguished road

This thread reminds me of an old children's LP I heard a long time ago. It was made by Bob Keashan otherwise known as Captain Kangaroo who had a famous kid's show that ran for years from the late 50's well into the 60's and beyond. On it he is trying to explain what Jazz music is to some young kids w/ the help of a great Jazz combo that goes thru lots of styles. They take a tune like 'Take Me Out To The Ballgame' or something else just as well known and "un-Jazzy" and play it in various Jazz styles from Trad Dixieland up thru Swing and modern Jazz.
But the quote that stands out is when the kid has an epiphany of understanding and says, "You mean Jazz is a certain of way of playing any kind of music at all". I think that kinda sums it up.

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