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Old 02-05-2007, 11:21 AM
stan haskins stan haskins is offline
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Lightbulb Vibrato advice from Gary Karr

Here's the answer Gary Karr gave Richard Prowse regarding developing good vibrato: (Thanks to Richard Prowse - Richard, let me know if this needs to be deleted or changed)

Question (from Richard Prowse): I have a question regarding vibrato. I find it hard to maintain a successful vibrato as I prepare to change fingers (or positions). I seem to tense up a bit. Any help on this matter would be appreciated.

Answer (from Gary Karr): When vibrating it's important to keep you arm from hanging down (it should be on the same plane as your hand and wrist) and your wrist must have the inclination to bend outward. The thumb should be in the middle of the hand and close to the vibrating finger ( I'm not an advocate of holding all the fingers down for the fourth finger). The best exercise for vibrato (found in my books) is a simple two octave scale up the G string. You should be able to do four consecutive major scales (A, B flat, B and C) using only one finger but repeating each scale four times using each finger alone (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th). Slur the first two notes on a down bow and then repeat the second note on an up bow (ie. A-B B, B-C C, C-D D etc). Stop when you feel tired, but build up your
stamina each day so that it'll eventually be possible for you to do all
16 repetitions (variations). The exercise should take a minimum of 20
minutes NON STOP!!
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