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Old 09-11-2007, 01:07 PM
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To Bob B.'s:

Those instructions are why I had not previously tried to go beyond 12:00 on the master. In fact I can't really explain why I finally decided to push it and see what happened, just a sudden impulse I guess. The notch is definitely channel specific so it is applied to the pre-amp gain. The phase reversal function is what it is doing that is possibly the most important. I might call Rick Jones and see if he can explain the behavior. Anyway I'm kind of happy to discover that I can push it up a bit more.

Responding to Ken:

If we are getting better results from smaller mics, it is probably more because we are using them with AI amps. The notch filter and phase reversal features are critical feedback reduction measures that make a real difference. The only thing that is better about a smaller mic is that it can be mounted on the bass closer the wood, very close in fact. This gives the mic a stronger input and the large area of the bass in close proximity helps sheild the mic. Other than that, there is no reason I can think of that a smaller mic should or does work better. If you can get the big one right up on the bass, I would think it would be very similar with an AI amp.

It still feeds back before the piezo!!
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