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Old 10-17-2009, 09:50 AM
Joel Larsson Joel Larsson is offline
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Originally Posted by Brian Gencarelli View Post
I am agreeing with you, but I think a little is lost in typing rather than talking.
Yes, well, what I tried to say was that if you play with a drone, you are likely to play what sounds best, i.e. a scale that's relatively in tune. But you must also be able to play in tune in all keys after you stop playing with the drone. You run the risk - and that was/is still my case - of never establishing an intonation that always works, or can work as a reference point to the relatively in tune notes. If you can play a chromatically in tune scale, you can relate all other notes to the ones perfectly in pitch; you must know where an absolute F# is in order to know where to play a low one, or in the end you may not know whether the note you are playing is high, low, or in tune, and that will most likely afftect the next notes as well, as it is easy to deviate from the 'truth' or absolute pitch of the instrument; everything relative needs something absolute in relation to which it is relative, or it could technically speaking not exist. Sorry for getting into philosophy here.
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