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Old 01-20-2011, 10:25 PM
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Thomas Erickson Thomas Erickson is offline
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Thomas Erickson is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Richard Prowse View Post
Thomas, my friend, this guy could pizz quavers at 336bpm. Seems to me that the technique was working. This way of sitting works fine with the bow too.
Oh, I don't mean to knock his technique or anything - and sure, whatever works works, even if it looks odd!

But at the same time, there is much to be learned from established techniques too; I think a lot of times we (bass players especially) get ahead of ourselves thinking "well techniques A-Z don't seem to be working for me, I must be unique or a genius" and off we go into developing the next great method, or just abandoning the pursuit of real technique, when the original problem was that we simply didn't understand (or weren't properly taught) some fine, underlying qualities or points of the basic techniques. Kind of like how a great artist throws paint at a wall and it is a masterpiece, but if I throw paint at a wall I'm a vandal (or a retard).
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