Thread: Elgar's books
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Old 11-12-2008, 06:04 PM
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Anselm Hauke Anselm Hauke is offline
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Anselm Hauke is on a distinguished road

well, wrong attributions are not a new problem:
(from g.hart - the violin, it´s famous makers and their imitators, london 1909)

The following extract, taken from the State documents in connection with the Court of Modena, serves to indicate the degree of esteem in which the instruments of Niccolò Amati were held during his lifetime, in comparison with those of his contemporary and pupil, Francesco Ruggieri. Tomaso Antonio Vitali, the famous Violinist, who was the director of the Duke of Modena's Orchestra, addressed his patron to this effect: "Please your most Serene Highness, Tomaso Antonio Vitali, your highness's most humble servant, bought of Francesco Capilupi, through the agency of the Rev. Ignazio Paltrineri, for the price of twelve doublons, a Violin, and paid such price on account of its having the name inside of Niccolò Amati, a maker of great repute in his profession. The petitioner has since found that this Violin has been wrongly named, as underneath the label is the signature of Francesco Ruggieri detto il Pero, a maker of less credit, whose Violins do not scarcely attain the price of three doublons."3 Vitali closes his letter with an appeal to the Duke for assistance to obtain redress.
3 "Luigi F. Valdrighi Nomocheliurgografia," Modena, 1884.

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