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Old 08-18-2010, 02:36 PM
Dave Martin Dave Martin is offline
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Location: Nashville TN
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Dave Martin is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Ken Smith View Post
Touchy questions. Yes to about everything but I wont name names here in public. If I have a problem, I will handle it as I have in the past.

As far as changing ones mind, that doesn't happen that often but it's the most honest thing a dealer or seller can do. My Hart was a Fendt when I bought it. My Guitar bass was a Storioni when I bought it. My Dodd was a Betts when I bought it. None of those name changes however affected the price. They are still at least as valuable if not more. The Bass I bought in 1973 with a Rivolta lable now has a Rogeri label in it from last I heard. Now, I am all for changing attributions when new information is discovered but how in the world did that Rivolta label grow into a Rogeri label? .. Dealer tampering!
Those name changes were what I remembered reading about; thank you for the clarification. Like you, I don't understand how a bass could grow a new label, though as a point of reference, my early 60's Juzek (the date is a best guess from the old Bass Viol Shop in Cincinnatti) has a label that appears to be a Xerox (or whatever they had before 'real' copiers). Perhaps the distributor in New York was out of paper labels the day mine came through...
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