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Old 01-20-2010, 02:40 PM
Joel Larsson Joel Larsson is offline
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Join Date: 02-10-2009
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
Posts: 67
Joel Larsson is on a distinguished road

A friend who manages to make a living as a jazz player just recently switched to the Bels, and he likes them. Myself, admittedly being a half-arsed jazz player but I do enjoy to thump away every once in a while, also like them. I think Ken is right that they sure don't have the buzz (or the 'mmMWAAAH', as it has also been called) that some want but they are still clearly steel strings—they could be said to be 'gutsy' compared to other steels, but they are hardly gut! So, they're nicely in between the extremes... I like that. Now, how did they work with amplification?
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