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Old 02-20-2007, 11:33 AM
Bob Branstetter Bob Branstetter is offline
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Join Date: 01-22-2007
Location: Stanley, KS (Kansas City)
Posts: 105
Bob Branstetter is on a distinguished road

I think a book list is a great idea Ken. However, I think you need to include a short description of what each book covers along with the name of the book. If you can keep the book list open, I'll add any that I have that are not already on your list. Maybe you can incorporate my list into yours so that the list would be intact. I would have no objection to moving my thread to wherever you decide to put the book listing. We might even include some links to some of the current violin book dealers since most people don't know that such places exist.

Do you know if anyone took over the book selling business (in D.C.) when Oscar Shapiro died? When I was younger, he was only person I knew who specialized in violin family books.

At one time there was talk of the VSA reissuing all of it's Journal back issues on DVD. That would be a treasure if it were available with cross referencing. I have a nearly complete set of the back issues that I purchased from my mentor, Earsel Atchley, shortly before he died and those old journals are a gold mine of information.
95% Retired Midwestern Luthier
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