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Old 10-06-2010, 07:58 PM
james condino james condino is offline
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Join Date: 06-28-2010
Location: asheville, nc
Posts: 5
james condino is on a distinguished road

I think this is my first post here; usually I'm just a lurker. For the last three decades, I've probably shopped for tonewoods at least three days a week, every week of the year and I wind up buying 4-5 times a year. I've found nice bass tops for as low as $175 and as high as $1000+. Usually the closer you get to the person who actually cut the wood, the better the price. Every time the wood changes hands, the price tends to double ( or more), so buying from larger retailers who just broker it from other folks is not a great way to go. The Alaska folks should be a reasonable choice for a fair price. Pacific Rim tonewoods had a very nice supply earlier this year. If you are in doubt, just ask them if you can have a return policy or right of refusal, that way you are only out the cost of shipping. Remember that there is a HUGE difference between a nice seasoned instrument grade spruce billet and just a big chunk of 6 month old wet spruce. Ask the folks that actually build and they'll generally set you on the right path.

Having done it myself many times, the last being earlier this year, I'll also add that in almost every part of this country you can get a US Forest service firewoood permit for about $20 that will allow you to fill up the back of your pickup with nice instrument grade timbers. The species may vary, but they are out there. It is hard work, but I enjoy it. I also HIGHLY recommend making a roadtrip to the pacific northwest and visiting a few dozen suppliers onsight and hand selecting through thousands of boards just to bring home your favorite couple. It is a valuable learning experience and you'll also make some lifelong contacts with the individual suppliers.

I'd suggest you buy two tops for your first build; that gives you a nice safety net if you completely blow it or if you wind up finding huge inclusions or a chipmonk living inside of the boards. If everything goes well, then you'll have a nice top already set aside for #2.

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