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Old 12-27-2007, 08:32 PM
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Ronson Hall Ronson Hall is offline
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Default SansAmp Bass Driver: What's Your Experience?

Hey Folks,

I've owned a SansAmp Tech 21 Bass Driver DI for about a year and a half now. Personally, I've only had opportunity to use it a few times, most of those being "direct box" applications.

I've always understood the Tech 21 Bass Driver to be a very good piece of equipment, but I think I might be missing out on some application opportunities. What's your experience with this unit? If you've used one, have you ever used it as a preamp and depended on it for your tone?

Let me know, and...Happy New Year!
Ronson C. Hall
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Old 12-24-2010, 03:37 PM
Ronald Skinner Ronald Skinner is offline
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Originally Posted by Ronson Hall View Post
Hey Folks,

I've owned a SansAmp Tech 21 Bass Driver DI for about a year and a half now. Personally, I've only had opportunity to use it a few times, most of those being "direct box" applications.

I've always understood the Tech 21 Bass Driver to be a very good piece of equipment, but I think I might be missing out on some application opportunities. What's your experience with this unit? If you've used one, have you ever used it as a preamp and depended on it for your tone?

Let me know, and...Happy New Year!
I own two of these and I will not go anywhere without one. One is rack and the other one I keep in my gig bag. Just about every gig someone want to know how I get that tone from my bass and I always point to the Sansamp. I also use the VT driver. If you don't own one try to get one and the best part is if you don't like it they sell very fast. Fat and warm tone...
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