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Old 07-01-2013, 06:27 PM
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Darah Gardner Darah Gardner is offline
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Default Awesome info on the BSR 'B' series... mine is a BSR4B

I was having an incredibly hard time getting ANY info on my bass model... through some back and forth with Ken (AWESOME), he has been able to fill in the gaps... I thought the information should be shared here - so anyone interested can find it here follows some excerpts from my conversations (again, SO AWESOME!) with Ken Smith;

I looked it up and all I have is what you have plus a notation of AAA grade Tiger Maple for the body. That would have been a part of the upgraded package which by memory I think was the body woods, gold, ebony fb and dots.

This was one of several model packages we tried over the years.

The 'parent' model was the BSR 'M' model, 4, 5 and 6 string. The 'B' was an upgrade package of the 'M' model. We still make the 'M' today although not too often as most people want the higher end models.

As to how many were made, that is a Library type search that will take time and time is money. I do not see very many of them in the book. The first were in early 1997 (jan.) and the last in early 1998 April, your bass. Just a few 4s and 5s that I can see.

Before that and after that we did an AL-a-carte type menu with charges for each added option. This model being one of the lower priced ones did not do well with all the added upgrades and charges so we probably just dropped it. I thought it was unique but we did make many higher end models then as well. I can only assume that the appeal was for the lower to be cheaper and if they wanted more, the got a higher end model.

In 1998, YOUR 4B (thanks to computers and my written records I looked up your bass). This was sold and shipped to Washington Music on 4/15/98. It was only the second 4B they bought. There were only 5 of these models with the '4B' code made and sold worldwide in that 16 month period or ever. My computer no longer has that model listed

There were only 5 made and probably each one was made to order.

i attached a cute picture of my youngest doing his 'roadie' duties while listening to my housemate practice
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ID:	2767  

Last edited by Darah Gardner; 07-01-2013 at 07:06 PM. Reason: wanted to adda pic
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Old 07-08-2013, 12:36 AM
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Roy Diza Roy Diza is offline
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I do recall seeing the options for the BSRM with the upgraded mac ebony board and highly figured solid piece body wings looking through a price list at West LA Music here on SoCal. That's probably around early 1997. I hope you can post more pics. A real beaut for sure
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Old 07-11-2013, 05:19 PM
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Darah Gardner Darah Gardner is offline
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Darah Gardner is on a distinguished road
Default some more pictures :)

here are some more pictures of her--
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ID:	2775  
Never to old to learn to play the Bass....Never to young to be able to appreciate music
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4 string, bass, bsr 4b, bsr4b, specifications

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