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Old 03-25-2007, 05:30 PM
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Thumbs up New Eurosonic Orchestra Strings!

A New Orchestra/Jazz String is coming to town!

Last year I tested two sets of Strings for JR Music. They were light and medium tension Strings. I gave my comments and a few weeks ago received the Lights made to the specs we discussed as well as the Mediums. They produced several sets of the Light tension Strings but only one set of Mediums which I have on one of my Basses now.

What are these like? Well, I have been testing and trying many strings and as many of you know, my main String has been Flexocor for Orchestra but I have no relation with Pirastro other than trying out some strings for them and giving my results which have yielded zero in terms of response from them in design changes. They actually discontinued their best Ext. E/C String which is a reverse of the direction I think they should have gone..

These new Eurosonic Orchestra Strings Pizz great as well but not like a Spiro Red. More like an Obligato or Jargar with a softer feel. Also, I tested the Oliv/Eudoxa combo on my Bisiach Bass so I decided to put the new Lights on that Bass as well for its final test.

The results? Well in my opinion try putting Olivs, Eudoxas, Obligatos and Jargars in a blender! Both the Medium and Light sets are about the same thickness but the Tension is different. They Bow smooth, loud and deep and Pizz with a thickness better than most regular steel Jazz strings. They feel almost like Olivs under the fingers and stay in tune better. They Bow close to the Olivs and Jargars and better than Obligatos. I have them on my Bisiach and I personally vote them as the best new string on the market today.

Will I private label these as my own? No, not at this time but the offer was made by JR if I wanted to. I think that they have the most to do with this String by making them and I would rather support them than compete against my own supplier at this time.

Where to get them? I just received a few sets for Stock and now have them '4-Sale'. The direct price is $144 per set discounted. Currently, only the Light Tension is available which I would call "Regular Tension". In the future the Medium tension ("Firm Tension" to me) will be available. Also on the horizon will be a 'C/E' Extension String in both Tensions.

For Basses with a weaker sounding E in comparison to the G, D and A, the Medium E with the Light/Regular Tension set might be the fix but until the Mediums are made and in stock, that thought is on hold.
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Old 04-01-2007, 12:58 AM
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Man you're killin' me!
"Buy the ticket, take the ride."
Hunter S. Thompson

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Old 04-22-2007, 10:07 PM
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Wink Killin you?

Originally Posted by Michael Case View Post
Man you're killin' me!
Well, "the truth (and $144. plus shipping) will set you free".
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Old 05-11-2007, 12:48 AM
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Question user experience?

Any updates from those trying these strings after a few weeks use? they certainly sound like they are worth a try.
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Old 06-11-2007, 12:45 AM
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Thumbs up after the weeks..

Originally Posted by davidseidel View Post
Any updates from those trying these strings after a few weeks use? they certainly sound like they are worth a try.
Well, I got 3 new Basses in a few weeks ago and put these Euros on them as well. They all sound great and play nice. They feel almost as soft as Obligatos but bow in the same class as Flexocor and Belcanto. I get my Bisiach back in a few days and then I will know better. Jeff has had it for the last month fitting a C-Ext. I gave him an old Superflex for the E/C as Eurosonic doesn't have the Ext. string yet. I will play the Bass with this set-up for the next few weeks in at least two concerts and then report back as far as the Strings go.

My current opinion is that these are very good strings for just about any Bass. I put them on a Plywood, a Hybrid, a new Carved Bass and my Bisiach not to mention a test set of firm tension on my 3/4 Shen. So far, all the Basses are working just fine.
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Old 10-27-2008, 04:57 PM
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Thumbs up well.. (duped from Orch. section)

I just put a set of these Eurosonics on a new English Bass I got in this week and I must say they are smooth sounding, easy to bow and light to the touch. This is a new Bass for me so I have no idea how other strings will sound on it but this is the best I have heard these strings or rather felt and played on them. This Bass here;
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