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Old 03-28-2013, 02:28 PM
Simon Miller Simon Miller is offline
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Default Possibly Hofner 1970's 7/8's

Here is my bass... and me... apologies for me diluting the photos :P

I bought this bass a few months ago.. absolutely love the sound. It's a thunderous beast which nearly caused me being evicted!

I'm at work at present and hope to snap off some better shots later to update the post with, but this is what I've got now.
You may have seen this bass on talkbass a while back.
I'm pretty sure it's a Hofner now, I just want confirmation/ as much information on the workmanship and opinion/ ballpark value of these basses (of course it won't change my opinion of my bass)
I bought it off a retired jazz/concert bassist... the thing has been shall we say well gigged, but all wear is just aesthetic. No cracks that haven't been fixed..although there's some light warping causing one F hole to curl out slightly. Nothing horrendous though.

Also, looking at emailing hofner, they no longer answer inquiries on older string instruments... which makes my investigation a tad more challenging.

thanks in advance for any responses!

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Name:	Hofner Bass1.png
Views:	1778
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ID:	2618  Click image for larger version

Name:	FrontHofner.png
Views:	1908
Size:	551.2 KB
ID:	2619  Click image for larger version

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Old 03-28-2013, 07:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Simon Miller View Post
Here is my bass... and me... apologies for me diluting the photos :P

I bought this bass a few months ago.. absolutely love the sound. It's a thunderous beast which nearly caused me being evicted!

I'm at work at present and hope to snap off some better shots later to update the post with, but this is what I've got now.
You may have seen this bass on talkbass a while back.
I'm pretty sure it's a Hofner now, I just want confirmation/ as much information on the workmanship and opinion/ ballpark value of these basses (of course it won't change my opinion of my bass)
I bought it off a retired jazz/concert bassist... the thing has been shall we say well gigged, but all wear is just aesthetic. No cracks that haven't been fixed..although there's some light warping causing one F hole to curl out slightly. Nothing horrendous though.

Also, looking at emailing hofner, they no longer answer inquiries on older string instruments... which makes my investigation a tad more challenging.

thanks in advance for any responses!

It looks like it might be a Hofner. The other three shops that I know of in that region during the same period were Wilfer, Lang and Framus. All made similar basses I think. It is not exactly like my bass in the purfling and FFs but it's close. This is a violin corner model and mine is a Gamba so that is a huge difference in how they would shape the body overall. It is German, post WWII. East or West I can't say 100% for sure but it does look closer to Hofner than any of the other shops. You can also ask Steve Swan who is a member here and has a bass shop in Northern California and sells Hofner basses. Maybe he knows for sure but I am not 100% positive on it but leaning towards Hofner over the other shops.
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Old 03-28-2013, 09:36 PM
Simon Miller Simon Miller is offline
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I'm definitely lacking the "eye of the luthier" haha. I thought the purfling was identical and the f holes.. lets just say I have a hard time distinguishing any f hole.

The only historical info I was given on the bass was that it was a 1970's German bass. Looking at the catalog you posted a few months back... the 1971 edition from Hofner; there's a model 5/14 violin shape. It seems to fit the bill... down to the ebony trimmings on the neck joint. The neck is also quite flamed...albeit a fake flame. It is a reddish color with faded yellow warn sections.
I'm no expert, but I thought it looked quite similar to the 5/12 model shown in the's a shame there aren't many details to go on.

It just strikes me as odd how difficult it is to find any information on these basses. I've seen a select few Hofners turn up on the web, and most were gamba ply basses. Your five string is the closest thing I've come across to being in the same ilk as my bass.

Product distribution is perplexing thing in the bass world!!
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Old 03-28-2013, 11:13 PM
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Cool ok..

Originally Posted by Simon Miller View Post
I'm definitely lacking the "eye of the luthier" haha. I thought the purfling was identical and the f holes.. lets just say I have a hard time distinguishing any f hole.

The only historical info I was given on the bass was that it was a 1970's German bass. Looking at the catalog you posted a few months back... the 1971 edition from Hofner; there's a model 5/14 violin shape. It seems to fit the bill... down to the ebony trimmings on the neck joint. The neck is also quite flamed...albeit a fake flame. It is a reddish color with faded yellow warn sections.
I'm no expert, but I thought it looked quite similar to the 5/12 model shown in the's a shame there aren't many details to go on.

It just strikes me as odd how difficult it is to find any information on these basses. I've seen a select few Hofners turn up on the web, and most were gamba ply basses. Your five string is the closest thing I've come across to being in the same ilk as my bass.

Product distribution is perplexing thing in the bass world!!
Your Neck pics are not so good but just below the scroll box I see the fake flame. This is the Hofner violin model. That detail with the resh of this bass seals the deal in my mind.

Now, who did the repairs and where are the cracks? Condition is very important and so is the grade of repair work. Most old work that I have seen needed to be re-done. Sometimes, the repair work caused even more damage. That happens today as well. With so many shops within several states around me, I old choose those that do not create more work in the future and finish the job properly.

Show some better pics of the condition and maybe we can come to an estimated market value for your bass. I need to see EVERYTHING possible. If you can think of it, I wanna see it, and then some. Unless you bring the bass here. Then I can look it over inside and out.

Image is another important factor with values as well. I have one old Viennese bass on the way from Europe where the maker had an average reputation at best for his violins. This can hurt the value of his basses when associated with his other work. Also, Hofner and Framus made guitars as well as violins thru basses in the string family. The Guitar image does NOT at all help the values of the violin products here in USA. maybe in Europe they are more mature and forgiving with the ability to separate a Beatles bass from a 5-string Orchestra bass but here in the States, Hofner? The Guitar company that made the Beatles bass?

Of the 3 shops mentioned above, the Wilfers are not known to my knowledge of any Guitars. I have played my Hofner 5 in Orchestras here and for the size and model, it is way under appreciated in value and worth as a musical instrument. Now, on many German made basses, the neck-set is different than we usually like here so that is one shadow over most of these shop basses. My Hofner is in the shop now getting this work done. We already re-carved the neck and re-varnished the heel so there is no more fake flame. Also, there is a graphite bar in the neck now to keep it stronger. My bass was over 30 years old and never played out, like new, but the neck bowed forward and we lost the fingerboard but saves the neck. Now, it plays like butter. Before, it was not even playable at all in my opinion.
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Old 03-29-2013, 11:54 AM
Simon Miller Simon Miller is offline
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A number of the shots were above the 2mb limit so I just uploaded everything to Imgur.

I tried to get in as many details as possible, but that's tricky with a phone. One thing that might have been lost in the pictures is the slight warp on the belly. Looking down the fingerboard at the body you'd see one side is slightly sunken compared to the other side. That side also has the slight warping at the f hole.

As far as what repairs have been done to it, all I can say is it's been worked on by Heinl's in Toronto at some point. They're probably the most reputable guys in the GTA, so I would imagine their work was pretty solid. That being said, you can see some patchwork on the inside, but nothing that looks horrendous.

I intend to get the bass into my local luthier to have some work done... I'd like a new bridge and the tail gut (which appears to be an old coat hanger). When I do that I plan on have it examined pretty thoroughly.

I agree with brand image... the more I researched the more likely Hofner seemed to be the make, I felt a little disappointed. I wasn't a huge fan of the idea that the same company made all manner of instruments. In my head that equates to being like a Yamaha or Suzuki. At the end of the day, who cares though... the instrument sound awesome :P. I know it'll potentially dampen the value, but I don't intend to sell anytime soon, so it doesn't concern me too much.

That 5 stringer looks amazing! When will it be ready to leave the shop? Is yours a 3/4 or 7/8s? My bass has trouble fitting into a 7/8s's a big boy.

Thanks for all your help!
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Old 03-29-2013, 02:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Simon Miller View Post

A number of the shots were above the 2mb limit so I just uploaded everything to Imgur.

I tried to get in as many details as possible, but that's tricky with a phone. One thing that might have been lost in the pictures is the slight warp on the belly. Looking down the fingerboard at the body you'd see one side is slightly sunken compared to the other side. That side also has the slight warping at the f hole.

As far as what repairs have been done to it, all I can say is it's been worked on by Heinl's in Toronto at some point. They're probably the most reputable guys in the GTA, so I would imagine their work was pretty solid. That being said, you can see some patchwork on the inside, but nothing that looks horrendous.

I intend to get the bass into my local luthier to have some work done... I'd like a new bridge and the tail gut (which appears to be an old coat hanger). When I do that I plan on have it examined pretty thoroughly.

I agree with brand image... the more I researched the more likely Hofner seemed to be the make, I felt a little disappointed. I wasn't a huge fan of the idea that the same company made all manner of instruments. In my head that equates to being like a Yamaha or Suzuki. At the end of the day, who cares though... the instrument sound awesome :P. I know it'll potentially dampen the value, but I don't intend to sell anytime soon, so it doesn't concern me too much.

That 5 stringer looks amazing! When will it be ready to leave the shop? Is yours a 3/4 or 7/8s? My bass has trouble fitting into a 7/8s's a big boy.

Thanks for all your help!
Ok, few things. Does your bass have any sound post or bass bar area cracks that were repaired? A sunken top requires a top pressing with a plaster mold, the top inside gutted first of all patches and the bass bar and then everything fixed again and a new bass bar once the top is re-shaped to original or close to it. That can cost as much as the this bass is worth or a good portion of it if that's what it needs.

Now that I see your neck and wear area, this is the same work seen on all other Hofners. That Ebony button is either a partial inlay or if separately put there, a repair because the button area and back must all be the same one-piece to hold the neck. Separate added buttons, not inlays or crowns, are not original work.

Bot the grade of wood used, I would say this was their top line model. What is the string length? Mine was 42" originally but we moved the bridge up a hair to 41.75" and it plays better at that mensur.

European instruments were made in 1/2, 3/4 and 4/4 sizes. 5/8 and 7/8 are American fractional descriptions. They are not sizes that were referred to by these German shops.

On a company like Yamaha, that is basically a trading company and a rental name. The Motercycle, outboard engine, piano and guitar companies all rent the name and they are not connected that I know of. Also, until Yamaha bought or built a factory in Taiwan, I think they were just subcontractors using other Asian shops and factories to make their Guitars. This is what I have read.

With Hofner on the other hand, they were and are Real Violin makers and came from Bohemia before the War. The Guitar division is just that, another division with guitar makers. That are NOT a trading company like Yamaha so that's not a good comparison. Now that they have or had some basses made in China for lower priced goods, they are also subcontractors BUT, they are makers of stringed instruments as well. With your bass and my bass, they are real basses like any Wilfer or Lang bass made in the same period and quality of make. It is just the Image confusion that haunts the brand from the guitar popularity that dwarfed the violin history and facts of the company.

I will say this now that I am proud to have/own and play on an original Hofner 5-string double bass. Having played it professionally on a few gigs, I have 100% confidence with the bass if that's what fits the gig. I can't wait to get it back and play it again. So many times I find the 5er being as or more convenient to play as compared to a bass with a c-extension. It is the 4th 5er I have owned. I almost want to keep it and take it off the sale page because sometimes, it's the bass to play. If it were 100-200 years old, I think it would be only on display but I am quite use to my older bass with the Extension so it's a tough decision.

Keep and play your Hofner and take care of it. If the top isn't too bad, leave it alone. The next time if that day comes that the Top cracks, then that would be the time to do all the work I mentioned.
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Old 03-31-2013, 04:08 PM
Simon Miller Simon Miller is offline
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Thank you for the info. It's all very helpful and eye opening.

I think I'm going to get it in to the luthier soon just to have it checked out. It was on consignment when I bought it... The shop I go to is family run; good people. I find it hard to believe that they'd sell a bass without informing the buyer of the potential work it might need... I wouldn't expect them to open it up, but at least look for anything that might need work.

When I get it in I'll ask if they know of any repair work that's been done.. if anything they'd probably have made the repairs.

All that aside...
The string length is in the 43.5 range. It was quite an adjustment to get used to , but now that I am, it's like anything else. It's also got a D neck.

I've been toying with the idea of looking for a smaller lighter/more durable bass to add to the collection. Maybe an upton Hybrid or something. This weekend was the first time really traveling with this bass and it was less than enjoyable. Between wincing through every bump on the highway and moving its hugeness around it made for a few stressful moments!

Again thank you for the info, always awesome to learn about a different side of the instrument
Do you know of any books that talk about the history/ different schools of bass making? I'd love to learn more about the nuances of the different bass luthiers around the world.


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Old 03-31-2013, 07:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Simon Miller View Post
Thank you for the info. It's all very helpful and eye opening.

I think I'm going to get it in to the luthier soon just to have it checked out. It was on consignment when I bought it... The shop I go to is family run; good people. I find it hard to believe that they'd sell a bass without informing the buyer of the potential work it might need... I wouldn't expect them to open it up, but at least look for anything that might need work.

When I get it in I'll ask if they know of any repair work that's been done.. if anything they'd probably have made the repairs.

All that aside...
The string length is in the 43.5 range. It was quite an adjustment to get used to , but now that I am, it's like anything else. It's also got a D neck.

I've been toying with the idea of looking for a smaller lighter/more durable bass to add to the collection. Maybe an upton Hybrid or something. This weekend was the first time really traveling with this bass and it was less than enjoyable. Between wincing through every bump on the highway and moving its hugeness around it made for a few stressful moments!

Again thank you for the info, always awesome to learn about a different side of the instrument
Do you know of any books that talk about the history/ different schools of bass making? I'd love to learn more about the nuances of the different bass luthiers around the world.


First, shops often sell basses that that need work and don't tell the buyer. That is how they stay in business. It's worse than the used car business and unregulated. Will they say it needs $10k of work if you need it in perfect condition? No, they wont. Most older factory basses need plenty of work if you want them to hold their real value and be suitable for today's playing. Many of them cost more to fix than they are worth.

Today, anything over 42" string length is risky business and usually worth less money. I have had many basses that were longer and knew it when I bought them but had room in the price to shorten the length down to 42" or less. Only one bass was left longer because we didn't do a neck graft. That one went from 43 1/2" down to 42 3/8ths with a block cut, neck re-set and bridge cheat. Other basses had similar work but a new shorter neck grafted to get the length down. 4/4 basses like this are very hard to sell. I know they didn't tell you that. You will find out later if you try selling it.

On schools of basses, there is very little written on the subject. I have probably published more here on-line than is printed in books. Violin books focus on violins mainly with a bit on violas and cellos as needed and occasionally on basses. The 20th century factory basses and brands are more anonymous and are not in any books as most books were written 50 years ago or more and the brands made by what shops are kept secret for the most part. Also, there is no profit in publishing such a book. You might sell a few hundred copies in a few years but if done right and with pictures, it would be too expensive for most. The only bass book published on general schools is the Elgar book and some of that information is wrong as far as the makers of the basses shown. I know some of those basses and have had the books since high school. I know a lot more now than I knew then.
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