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Old 03-21-2007, 01:29 PM
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Thumbs up New Eurosonic Orchestra Strings!

A New Orchestra/Jazz String is coming to town!

Last year I tested two sets of Strings for JR Music. They were light and medium tension Strings. I gave my comments and a few weeks ago received the Lights made to the specs we discussed as well as the Mediums. They produced several sets of the Light tension Strings but only one set of Mediums which I have on one of my Basses now.

What are these like? Well, I have been testing and trying many strings and as many of you know, my main String has been Flexocor for Orchestra but I have no relation with Pirastro other than trying out some strings for them and giving my results which have yielded zero in terms of response from them in design changes. They actually discontinued their best Ext. E/C String which is a reverse of the direction I think they should have gone..

These new Eurosonic Orchestra Strings Pizz great as well but not like a Spiro Red. More like an Obligato or Jargar with a softer feel. Also, I tested the Oliv/Eudoxa combo on my Bisiach Bass so I decided to put the new Lights on that Bass as well for its final test.

The results? Well in my opinion try putting Olivs, Eudoxas, Obligatos and Jargars in a blender! Both the Medium and Light sets are about the same thickness but the Tension is different. They Bow smooth, loud and deep and Pizz with a thickness better than most regular steel Jazz strings. They feel almost like Olivs under the fingers and stay in tune better. They Bow close to the Olivs and Jargars and better than Obligatos. I have them on my Bisiach and I personally vote them as the best new string on the market today.

Will I private label these as my own? No, not at this time but the offer was made by JR if I wanted to. I think that they have the most to do with this String by making them and I would rather support them than compete against my own supplier at this time.

Where to get them? I just received a few sets for Stock and now have them '4-Sale'. The direct price is $144 per set discounted. Currently, only the Light Tension is available which I would call "Regular Tension". In the future the Medium tension ("Firm Tension" to me) will be available. Also on the horizon will be a 'C/E' Extension String in both Tensions.

For Basses with a weaker sounding E in comparison to the G, D and A, the Medium E with the Light/Regular Tension set might be the fix but until the Mediums are made and in stock, that thought is on hold.

Last edited by Ken Smith; 03-23-2007 at 04:47 PM. Reason: Now available, $144/set.
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Old 04-08-2007, 11:47 PM
Richard Prowse Richard Prowse is offline
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How would you compare them to weichs for both pizz & arco?
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Old 04-09-2007, 01:17 AM
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Lightbulb ??

Originally Posted by Richard Prowse View Post
How would you compare them to weichs for both pizz & arco?

Sorry, I have never used the Weichs. I have used in the past the Reds but these far surpass them as Arco strings. The Pizz is closer to a fatter sounding Obligato type sound.
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Old 04-09-2007, 03:49 AM
Richard Prowse Richard Prowse is offline
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Originally Posted by Ken Smith View Post
Sorry, I have never used the Weichs. I have used in the past the Reds but these far surpass them as Arco strings. The Pizz is closer to a fatter sounding Obligato type sound.
IMO (in my opinion) old weichs are very hard to beat as an all round string once they have settled down (2-3 weeks). I've spent countless dollars (NZ) trying different strings. the Weichs actually bow well. Ken, I'd love you to give them a try.
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Old 04-09-2007, 05:01 AM
Robert Prowse Robert Prowse is offline
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Don't believe it ... Richard's probably just quoting brib!
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Old 04-09-2007, 04:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Richard Prowse View Post
IMO (in my opinion) old weichs are very hard to beat as an all round string once they have settled down (2-3 weeks). I've spent countless dollars (NZ) trying different strings. the Weichs actually bow well. Ken, I'd love you to give them a try.
Richard, I have played ALL the Thomastic strings if you count trying them on other peoples Basses. The only good Orchestral string they make in my opinion is the new BelCantos which I just bought a Bass that has them so I will get to know them well. Some Orchestral players use the other Thomastic Weichs, Mittles and Solo as well as combinations of 2 or 3 types to balance out their Bass but this again is a minority. Pirastro from what I have heard is still the #1 Orchestral string choice in USA.

I think these new Eurosonics will take hold in time but their marketing is not that strong at the moment.
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Old 04-09-2007, 05:06 PM
Richard Prowse Richard Prowse is offline
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Originally Posted by Ken Smith View Post
Richard, I have played ALL the Thomastic strings if you count trying them on other peoples Basses. The only good Orchestral string they make in my opinion is the new BelCantos which I just bought a Bass that has them so I will get to know them well. Some Orchestral players use the other Thomastic Weichs, Mittles and Solo as well as combinations of 2 or 3 types to balance out their Bass but this again is a minority. Pirastro from what I have heard is still the #1 Orchestral string choice in USA.

I think these new Eurosonics will take hold in time but their marketing is not that strong at the moment.
I am starting to get interested in these Eurosonics. A player told me not too long ago that the just retired principal of the NZSO was using Weichs in the orchestra. It is my impression though, as an outsider from the orchestral world, that Pirastro is the no 1 choice here too. Bowed Weichs and Mittles certainly have a crappy sound when they are new. For this reason the Eurosonics sound interesting.
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Old 04-09-2007, 07:53 PM
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Thumbs up feel..

Originally Posted by Richard Prowse View Post
I am starting to get interested in these Eurosonics. A player told me not too long ago that the just retired principal of the NZSO was using Weichs in the orchestra. It is my impression though, as an outsider from the orchestral world, that Pirastro is the no 1 choice here too. Bowed Weichs and Mittles certainly have a crappy sound when they are new. For this reason the Eurosonics sound interesting.
Under the fingers the Eurosonics feel fatter like Olivs and Eudoxas. Smooth and a hint of gut-like response. Hard to explain but I like them. Different strings but something worth trying to see if it's 'your flavor'.
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Old 05-18-2007, 08:04 AM
Daniel Yeabsley Daniel Yeabsley is offline
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I've ordered a set of these Eurosonics, should be arriving soon with my new New Standard Cleveland!
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Old 05-18-2007, 10:13 AM
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Thumbs up Ordered..

Originally Posted by Daniel Yeabsley View Post
I've ordered a set of these Eurosonics, should be arriving soon with my new New Standard Cleveland!
Great, let us know how they work on your Bass. It would nice to hear other reviews than just my opinion.
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Old 06-03-2007, 08:13 PM
Daniel Yeabsley Daniel Yeabsley is offline
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Default New Eurosonic review

My New Standard Cleveland arrived last week, it came strung with Spiro Mittels. There was also a set of the new Eurosonic strings in the box.

The Spiros: I liked the E and A, big and growly and I could bow them alright.
The tension was a shock to me though! I've gotten used to the 1/2 gut setup on my Christopher flatback, and the Spiros in combination with the longer string length on the Cleveland felt like bridge cables.

The spiro G and D were boingy, I'm sure they would settle down in time- but this gave me an excuse to put on the Eurosonic G and D.
Euro G and D on the Cleveland: The tension is slightly lower than the Mittels. The sound is darker (less highs?) and rounder, less raw. They bow nicely and feel more civilised than the spiros.

This morning I tried the Eurosonic G and D on my 2 year old carved Christopher with a Mittel E and Innovation A. Nice!
-The tension has gone down significantly compared to the same strings on the Cleveland. Feels more like Weichs now. The sound is still civilised- and the attack and the bloom hang together.
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Old 06-03-2007, 09:57 PM
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Lightbulb G & D only?

Originally Posted by Daniel Yeabsley View Post
My New Standard Cleveland arrived last week, it came strung with Spiro Mittels. There was also a set of the new Eurosonic strings in the box.

The Spiros: I liked the E and A, big and growly and I could bow them alright.
The tension was a shock to me though! I've gotten used to the 1/2 gut setup on my Christopher flatback, and the Spiros in combination with the longer string length on the Cleveland felt like bridge cables.

The spiro G and D were boingy, I'm sure they would settle down in time- but this gave me an excuse to put on the Eurosonic G and D.
Euro G and D on the Cleveland: The tension is slightly lower than the Mittels. The sound is darker (less highs?) and rounder, less raw. They bow nicely and feel more civilised than the spiros.

This morning I tried the Eurosonic G and D on my 2 year old carved Christopher with a Mittel E and Innovation A. Nice!
-The tension has gone down significantly compared to the same strings on the Cleveland. Feels more like Weichs now. The sound is still civilised- and the attack and the bloom hang together.
Try the whole set on one of your Basses. The Bass may take a few days itself to adjust to the tension. Then, bow and pizz them and see what I am talking about. I just got 3 new Basses in and set them all up with Eurosonics and they are all sweet with Bow or Pizz. Truly one of the great new strings out there deserving wider recognition.
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Old 06-04-2007, 04:50 PM
Daniel Yeabsley Daniel Yeabsley is offline
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Originally Posted by Ken Smith View Post
Try the whole set on one of your Basses. The Bass may take a few days itself to adjust to the tension. Then, bow and pizz them and see what I am talking about. I just got 3 new Basses in and set them all up with Eurosonics and they are all sweet with Bow or Pizz. Truly one of the great new strings out there deserving wider recognition.
-Ok Ken, I'll do that and report back.
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Old 06-04-2007, 11:52 PM
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Default Quick 10 minute playing update:

I've put the A and E strings on- huge difference in tension and sound!

The strings are easier to press down now and feel very supple. The E is floppier than the spiro mittel I had on and bows much easier. The A really gets my bass vibrating. Pizz sound is very even, still nice and dark and quite 'dry' sounding.
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Old 06-05-2007, 01:07 AM
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Lightbulb 10 minutes?

Originally Posted by Daniel Yeabsley View Post
I've put the A and E strings on- huge difference in tension and sound!

The strings are easier to press down now and feel very supple. The E is floppier than the spiro mittel I had on and bows much easier. The A really gets my bass vibrating. Pizz sound is very even, still nice and dark and quite 'dry' sounding.
Daniel, give it about 10 days or so till the Top of the Bass adjusts to the new lighter tension. The E should improve in tension and the Bass balances itself under the new Strings which have a different pull from the G to E that what was on the Bass previously.

I also designed some other 'E' gauges for this set and the next batch they make might have a different 'E'. What I noticed was that some Basses like the regular 'E' now in the set and some enjoy a slightly heavier 'E' like the one that I designed for the heavier gauged set. After having them make a heavier 'E' for each set I then tried the first Medium 'E' on the light set and found a match for my Bisiach. This is similar to using regular Flexocor with a Stark 'E'. Like the Flexocors, some Basses work fine with the standard set and some work better with the heavier Stark 'E'.

I consider there Eurosonic Lights to be what I call 'Regular' tension and the Medium gauge 'Firm' tension since the diameter of the Strings are more similar in ratio to one another than are the tensions between them.

Now, where's the E/C extension String I asked them for? Jeff is nearly done with his latest C-Extension on my Bisiach and all I have is a Flexocor or Superflexible string to try as a match. The C-Extension is done but the chromatic latches are in development as he is making this one to be similar to those I have that were made by Arnold. It's a good thing those two are best of friends!

Once again, on these new Euros I think time will tell how they mellow and adjust to each individual Bass as well as their color of Pizz and Bow sounds on both new and old Basses. So far, I am quite impressed with them.
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Old 09-04-2020, 12:04 AM
Mark Stefaniw Mark Stefaniw is offline
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Ken are these Eurosonic orchestra strings still available? I have a new bass, made by Denver luthier Eric Trujillo. It is 42-3/8" string length and is on the bright side of the tone spectrum. belcantos are still too bright, but passione meds were mushy. EP weichs are gritty and harsh sounding. spiro S42 mitt E-string is great, but a little loose. I have a set of used jargar meds on deck, and am thinking about flexocore/92 stark, or spirocore S42 stark
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Old 09-04-2020, 05:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Mark Stefaniw View Post
Ken are these Eurosonic orchestra strings still available? I have a new bass, made by Denver luthier Eric Trujillo. It is 42-3/8" string length and is on the bright side of the tone spectrum. belcantos are still too bright, but passione meds were mushy. EP weichs are gritty and harsh sounding. spiro S42 mitt E-string is great, but a little loose. I have a set of used jargar meds on deck, and am thinking about flexocore/92 stark, or spirocore S42 stark

13 years ago I posted Spiros are the brightest and not an orchestra for most. Ask the luthier who made your bass. He should know what works best on his basses for your desired sound. Stark gauges are harder to bow and need more pressure. Passione has Starks too. Flexocor Deluze is another string to try.
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