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Old 11-02-2015, 07:47 PM
Nicholas Feigenbaum Nicholas Feigenbaum is offline
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Thumbs up Info on Herold Jaeger Bow...

Hey Ken and Friends,

I was wondering if you had any info on Herold Jaeger bows... I recently purchased one for a meager sum, and wanted to know what you think? The frog and tip look suspiciously similar to an HR Pfretzchner I had once. While I know that the bow was imported I wanted to know what you think? Could this be a relabled Pfretzchner or maybe some kind of german shop bow? Is it even Pernambuco (looks so to me but Im no bow expert). Has anyone ever seen one before? What would it be worth?

The part where the hair comes out has oodles of gunk, but appears to be silver (it isn't green like nickel) and the slide is a really pretty abalone.

What makes me think pernambuco is that in the stick there is this red undertone to it, and the small parts where the finish has chipped looks to be red... Lastly the tip looks to be either bone or ivory, I can't really tell but it is really nicely shaped...

Did I make a big score or strike out haha! Winning bid was $45.99

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Old 11-02-2015, 09:23 PM
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Ken Smith Ken Smith is offline
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I think it is a brand name made by some shop. I can't judge the wood from pictures but if you search the wood name, you will learn something.

Chinese Bow sells in the 100s to start so for the price you paid, it's a good deal for a workable old bow.

Enjoy it but don't throw a big party over the deal.. lol
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Old 11-08-2015, 11:59 AM
Nicholas Feigenbaum Nicholas Feigenbaum is offline
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Originally Posted by Ken Smith View Post
I think it is a brand name made by some shop. I can't judge the wood from pictures but if you search the wood name, you will learn something.

Chinese Bow sells in the 100s to start so for the price you paid, it's a good deal for a workable old bow.

Enjoy it but don't throw a big party over the deal.. lol
Hi Ken, so I recently brought it to my bow guy up here. We have confirmed that it is pernambuco (by both examining the grain as well as the wood inside) and that this bow is old! The bow has some slight camber issues but were easily fixed, now I am waiting for the silver to be cleaned, leather touched up and the bow to be cleaned all together, as well as a rehair... The hair on the bow was original, and boy was it gross!

Do you know anything about the brand name? I know Jaeger was a czech "factory" brand but know very little about their bowmaking. Every time I do a search I come up with my ebay link or something about Jaeger basses.

Did Jaeger/Juzek/Morelli make bows, or was there a factory with a familiar name that might have been making bows for them (Pfretzchner or Seifert, or something of the likes?)

I really would love to know more... And no party is being thrown today, maybe after I get some info to welcome the bow to the stable!
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Old 11-09-2015, 07:07 AM
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Ken Smith Ken Smith is offline
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All of the names you mention are trade names for factory items. Not makers except the REAL Pfretzschner family of bow makers. Not to be confused with the BRAND name of G.A Pfret. as seen on basses and such. That is a made up name in that case. Ga Pf, Morelli and Jacobus Hornsteiner are all fictitious names made up by Grossman music in Cleveland in the early 20th century. No such names ever made basses or violins.

Trade business was SO profitable in the late 19th century that companies like Lowendall in Germany and J.T. Lamy in France set up branches in both USA and the UK for the sole purpose of export grade instruments and bows. Business was GOOD. The Juzek family started in 1920 with Czech. Music Co. and later changed the name to Metropolitan Music in NYC. In their 1934 catalog (which I have!), they list every kind of instruments for sale, banjos, tubas, guitars and of course the various grades of Juzek instruments from violins to basses. The bows listed are other brand names, not Juzek. There were no big music stores back then so there were several importers that sold to schools and individuals and even small shops then. This I am sure was the same as in Europe as I have read about shops selling their brand of basses and trombones as well. So, probably re-branded instruments for some and others maybe made there. No one knows.
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